Saturday, October 31, 2020

7 Awesome LinkedIn Marketing Courses You Need To Try

If you invest some time and effort into LinkedIn marketing, you can reap big rewards. This social networking site is the biggest platform for building business and professional relationships—and it is still growing.

If done properly, LinkedIn marketing can help you increase your sales, boost your revenue, find new clients, and establish your brand. But first, you need to know how to use the platform properly. Here are a few awesome LinkedIn marketing courses that you can sign up for so you can expand your LinkedIn marketing know-how.

Looking For LinkedIn Marketing Courses? Check Out These Can't Miss Learning Opportunities

The LinkedIn marketing courses we’re listing below are some of the best ones available right now. We’re covering a few key topics that all business owners and professionals need to know so they can grow on LinkedIn. From basic social media marketing tips to more specific courses focused on establishing your brand: we’ve created a list that will help you in most aspects of your LinkedIn experience.

The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn: The LinkedIn Learning Course

To start off, this course is a good launching pad for everyone who wants to get started on LinkedIn marketing. It explains how marketers can make use of the social networking platform to achieve their personal and career goals. The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn: The LinkedIn Learning Course gives you the top takeaways that you need to start your LinkedIn journey.

Award-winning global content creator Alex Rynne is the instructor and she gives up-to-date information on what works and what doesn’t work on LinkedIn when it comes to marketing strategies. Her instructional videos help marketers turn advice into action.

This is a great LinkedIn marketing course that covers all the basics of LinkedIn marketing for B2B marketers. The course puts on emphasis on why marketers should be using LinkedIn and why the platform is perfect for gaining better engagement and ROI. You will learn everything from generating quality leads to engaging your audience.

If you need a good starter course on the topic of LinkedIn marketing, you can’t go wrong with this one.

Marketing on LinkedIn

As someone who is new to LinkedIn marketing, you want to get the best results out of your invested time and effort, so you need a course that will teach you how to make the biggest impact using LinkedIn. Marketing on LinkedIn is all about establishing a presence that is impressive and eye-catching. It can help you optimize your profile, expand your brand, and create stronger connections within your community. The instructor is Marcus Murphy, Head of Business Development and Partnerships at DigitalMarketer.

This course is also a great alternative LinkedIn marketing course for beginners. It teaches you how to take advantage of the many opportunities provided by LinkedIn. It encourages you to create clever marketing strategies so you could enjoy better rewards in the future.

Murphy teaches you how to market your small, medium, or solo business on LinkedIn. It covers many topics from smart content creation to creating an effective company page.

Advertising on LinkedIn

This course focuses on LinkedIn ads: how to create effective ads for LinkedIn and how to organize your campaign to achieve better results. A.J. Wilcox, founder of B2Linked, an agency that specializes in LinkedIn ads, teaches you how to reach your audience at scale. If you have a set number of objectives that you need to reach using LinkedIn ads, this is the course for you.

LinkedIn ads can be very useful if targeted properly. This course gives you practical strategies, valuable tips, and detailed demonstrations related to advertising on LinkedIn. It provides everything you need so you can run your own calculated campaign that is geared towards success.

Advertising on LinkedIn also covers how to best use Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Text Ads, and Dynamic Ads. It helps you organize your campaigns, find out what’s not working, and create more effective LinkedIn ads.

Learning Personal Branding

In a sea of LinkedIn profiles, you need to find a way to stand out. This is made possible by your brand: establishing your personal brand is the key to career growth and long term LinkedIn success.

Learning Personal Branding is a course that gives plenty of advice about personal branding so you could polish your own brand and let it shine through all your marketing efforts. This course is unique because it explores personal branding while putting it in the context of content marketing.

The instructor, Chelsea Krost, is a pioneer in the field of influencer marketing and personal branding. In fact, she started her own radio talk show at the age of 16. In this course, she teaches you that the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal is yourself.

Establishing thought leadership, getting ahead of the competition, and creating your own community are long term goals that will require you to invest in yourself. Learning Personal Branding is all about developing your story, crafting your messaging, and defining your audience.

On top of all that, the course also teaches you how to monetize your personal brand and how to land speaking engagements.

Business Storytelling

On the topic of personal branding, you will also have to learn about business storytelling. Business Storytelling is a short course that discusses how to develop an effective story that will help you connect with your audience. This course cuts through the fluff and gets right into the essential storytelling elements.

Reaching your target audience is one thing: connecting with them on an emotional level is another. The instructor is C.C. Chapman, an award-winning content creator who has worked with HBO, Coca-Cola, and Verizon.

Chapman walks you through his own storytelling strategies, including brainstorming, nailing down details, and turning your story into reality.

The importance of storytelling in LinkedIn marketing is often understated. But if you can become an effective storyteller, you can communicate with customers and clients more effectively. It focuses on the “social” aspect of social media, and how you can use it to help your company grow.

SEO Foundations

LinkedIn is not just a good social networking platform; it is also an excellent micro blogging platform. If you are not using it for content marketing, then you might be struggling with establishing your thought leadership.

SEO Foundations covers the basic SEO fundamentals that will help your content rank higher in search results. It will help you create a long term search strategy that can pay off in a big way. David Booth is the instructor for SEO Foundations, and he is a consultant, instructor, and one of the founding partners of Cardinal path.

Showing up in organic search results can be a huge advantage for companies and brands. It helps leads find you online, so you can connect with them before your competitors. In fact, it’s almost a prerequisite when it comes to earning your audience’s attention, especially if you are working with a limited budget. All marketers need a baseline understanding of SEO—and this course will give it to you.

Lead Flow Mastery by Kennected

Optimizing your profile, establishing your brand, and using SEO for content creation: these are some of the basic things about LinkedIn marketing that you need to know. But in order to boost your revenue, you need to understand lead flow.

Lead Flow Mastery by Kennected is an all-in-one course that covers LinkedIn marketing, branding, messaging, and understanding your lead flow. With this course, you will learn everything you need to find success with LinkedIn. It also gives you a step-by-step guide on using Kennected software so you can get the best results.

Learn from digital marketing experts and find out how you can best engage with your target audience on LinkedIn. Kennected will help you find your ideal clients, reach out to your leads at scale, and teach you how to effectively convert them.

Kennected understands that every company has unique goals and needs. That’s why it teaches you how to fish, instead of just giving you fish.

These are some of the best courses if you want to get started on LinkedIn marketing. There are plenty of other resources out there, but we’ve laid down the groundwork so you can start improving your results on LinkedIn.


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