Wednesday, October 28, 2020

How LinkedIn Works

As the world’s largest professional network on the internet, LinkedIn has tremendous potential when it comes to helping you achieve your career goals. But first, you need to understand how it works and what it can do for you.

If you are a recruiter, you can use it to find highly qualified candidates for your company. If you’re a jobseeker, you can showcase your skills and qualifications. For marketers and business owners, LinkedIn can be used to find new leads, prospects, and clients.

No matter what industry you are in, LinkedIn can help you expand your network, widen your reach, establish your brand, create new career opportunities, find customers, and boost your revenue.

You can easily use LinkedIn to connect with the right people, especially since it has over 706 million members around the globe. Here we will talk about how LinkedIn works and how you can use it to increase your sales.

What is LinkedIn for?

LinkedIn is a social networking site just like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But what sets it apart is its focus on building professional and business relationships. This means if you are looking to increase your sales, LinkedIn is the best place to find high quality leads.

LinkedIn is mostly known as a platform where people can advance their career. However, it is not limited to jobseekers and recruiters: it can be used by marketers, small business owners, enterprise owners, and people of various professional backgrounds.

It is used to connect with people within and outside of your real life social circle. When used right, it can open up new opportunities for members. Unfortunately, there are those who make the mistake of treating it like an online resume. They neglect their LinkedIn profile and miss out on some unique opportunities that they can’t get elsewhere.

So to make the most out of LinkedIn, make sure you use it actively and treat it like its own marketing platform.

How to Start Using LinkedIn

For starters, you need to sign up and create your own LinkedIn profile. This profile is very important and optimizing it will play a big role in your LinkedIn marketing efforts. Focus on completing all of the sections. A complete LinkedIn profile is favored by the LinkedIn algorithm. Profile visitors are also more likely to trust people with complete profiles because it shows that you are taking your profession seriously.

Once it’s completely filled out, your LinkedIn profile will showcase your professional experience, skills, interests, testimonials, and content. It will act like your “storefront” that shows off all your best qualities. Treat your LinkedIn profile like a large advertising space. You want to put your best foot forward at all times.

After setting up your LinkedIn profile, it’s time to start adding connections. Building your network is very important because it provides social proof and it helps you build strong relationships. At its core, LinkedIn is a social networking site—not a resume, so use it like Facebook and build stronger social connections through it.

Begin by adding your family, friends, former classmates, colleagues, coworkers, etc. Follow people, companies, and topics that are relevant to your interests.

Using LinkedIn actively means working on your network, posting your own content, and engaging in conversations with other LinkedIn users. Engaging with your network can help you build your community, which will help your career or brand in the long run. So don’t hesitate to use LinkedIn for socializing.

Many LinkedIn members will use LinkedIn to find a job. After setting up your profile and adding people to your network, you can start looking for professional opportunities.

Regardless of your LinkedIn goals, you should seriously consider posting content on your profile. It helps establish your role as a thought leader in your industry, making you a trustworthy resource that people would love to work with.

How to Use LinkedIn to Increase Sales

Now if your goal is to boost your revenue using LinkedIn, you will have to use various LinkedIn marketing strategies.

Because it is a social network, selling directly through your profile or your company page is not the best idea. LinkedIn marketing is more focused on creating opportunities to engage with people so that you can reach them directly and convert them there.

The key is to stay on your customers’ radars. You don’t even have to sell to them aggressively: you can post high quality content on your profile, use relevant keywords, and let your target audience come to you. If you post content that is informative and valuable for your target audience, people will come to check out your profile. And because you’ve optimized your profile to make it look as professional and on-brand as possible, they will remember you.

This is how content marketing works. You can use LinkedIn as its own micro blogging site to share long form content that are relevant to your industry. Post eye-catching and informative blog posts, press releases, industry news, and videos. In between these posts, share shorter content like inspirational stories, tips and tricks, life hacks, personal stories, memes, pictures, and questions.

Experiment with different types of content and try to go viral. See what works best for you. When people comment on your work, engage with them so you can start conversations. Driving engagement is great for your business and will help it get exposed to a lot more people.

Use SEO or search engine optimization so that your LinkedIn profile and content will rank higher in search results. When people search online, they will see your profile and potentially click on it.

Attracting potential customers to your profile is only one part of LinkedIn marketing.

You can also use automation tools to make your outreach efforts easier. Use Kennected to generate a stream of leads, connections, and meetings. With this LinkedIn automation tool, you don’t have to worry about finding your ideal clients—because Kennected will find them for you.

Kennected will also send your connection requests and messages automatically—but not in bulk, as if you were sending them yourself. You can use Kennected to set up personalized messages and follow ups so you don’t waste time manually prospecting on LinkedIn. Book a demo with Kennected today to learn more!


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