Monday, October 26, 2020

How To Growth Hack On LinkedIn

It’s difficult to grow on LinkedIn if you don’t have the right tools, strategies, and resources. Even if you are posting every day and connecting with a bunch of people, it’s no use if you are barely getting any engagement.

Although there is no miracle solution or magic trick that will instantly make you an influencer on LinkedIn, there is a proper way to approach this social networking platform that will help you grow faster and in a way that gives you results.

Even if you are not the biggest thing on LinkedIn right now, don’t give up on it just yet. This social networking site cannot be ignored in terms of its value and potential. It now has over 706 million users around the world, and it is still growing. It’s not just for jobseekers and recruiters anymore.

Its focus on building professional and business relationships makes it a valuable source of high quality leads. So if you keep investing on LinkedIn, you should eventually reach your goals. But to get there, you need to do it right. Here we will teach you simple hacks that will help you get the results you want.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

This first hack is a very basic tip, but you’ll be surprised by the number of people who don’t actually do it. If you want the best results from LinkedIn, you need to set yourself up for success. That means doing more than just using LinkedIn as an online resume. It’s also more than just updating your LinkedIn profile every now and then to show a job change.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile means making use of every tool LinkedIn provides to showcase all of your unique traits, skills, and specializations. If you want to impress your prospects, you need to use everything in your arsenal.

Beyond that, you also have to incorporate your brand so that profile visitors can understand exactly who you are, what you can do, and what value you provide.

Change your LinkedIn profile picture if you haven’t yet. LinkedIn users are less likely to trust people without a profile picture. It doesn’t have to be professional, as long as it is well-lit and shows what you currently look like. Smiling in your LinkedIn photo can help you look more approachable, which will help you expand your network later on.

Make sure you are the only one in the picture, and that there are no distracting things in the background.

Next, replace the default LinkedIn banner photo with an image that highlights your brand. Consider investing in a professional banner photo. Treat it like a free billboard and use the space wisely. Invest on a profile banner that is memorable and eye-catching because it is one of the first things visitors will see.

Add a descriptive headline to your LinkedIn profile. It doesn’t have to be just a job title. Tell people who you are and what makes you tick. You can then expand on this using the LinkedIn Summary. Do not leave this space blank. It is actually your opportunity to tell your story and share what makes your business, company, or brand special.

Don’t forget to use relevant keywords that will help LinkedIn users find you. Think of the terms people use when looking up your services online and use them in your own profile as well as your LinkedIn posts.

Don’t forget to list your relevant skills and ask for endorsements and recommendations from your LinkedIn network. These things can increase your social proof and make you a more credible resource.

Establish Thought Leadership Using High Quality Content

Building your credibility is a must if you want to be successful, not only on LinkedIn but in general. The best way to do this is by posting high quality content and establishing thought leadership. Writing effective click-bait posts and viral videos is only the tip of the iceberg.

Writing long form articles that are relevant to your target audience’s interests will help you add value to your community. You can write blog posts, press releases, industry news, and other informative articles. You can also make engaging and eye-catching videos and photos for your LinkedIn profile.

It is important to use LinkedIn as its own microblogging platform rather than posting elsewhere and sharing the link on LinkedIn. That’s because the LinkedIn algorithm gives priority to native posts. If your content is successful, it can stay on top of everyone’s newsfeed for up to two weeks, as long as it is getting engagement. That’s the way the LinkedIn algorithm works.

In between your long form articles, you can share shorter updates like tips and tricks, inspiring stories, motivational posts, and personal anecdotes that help flesh out your brand.

Use LinkedIn Automation to Connect with Potential Customers and Leads

Attracting people to your profile is one thing, but actively using LinkedIn to expand your network and widen your reach takes extra effort. You can make this process much easier by using LinkedIn automation tools.

Kennected is a tool that automates the tasks that are repetitive and mundane, allowing you to focus on more important things like improving your product, managing your business, and converting leads. Kennected uses LinkedIn’s data-rich filters to help you find your ideal targets. You can also use Kennected to reach out to these high quality leads at scale using automated but personalized messages and follow ups.

This automation tool generates a stream of leads, connections, and meetings so that you don’t waste time spraying and praying on LinkedIn. Kennected will help you connect with your target audience so that you can spend more time building a relationship with them.

Each Kennected campaign is personalized so that it meets each client’s goals. We know that nobody understands your business better than you do. That is why we teach you how to fish instead of just giving you fish.

Book a demo with Kennected today to learn more!


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