Monday, October 26, 2020

How To Post On LinkedIn

Content marketing can help you create brand awareness, generate more leads, expand your network, and increase your revenue. If you are planning to take content marketing more seriously, we recommend focusing your efforts on LinkedIn.

With over 706 million users around the world, LinkedIn is the biggest social networking platform for professionals. It is focused on building business and professional relationships, meaning you can get a lot of high quality leads from this site. And LinkedIn is still growing.

If your posts go viral on LinkedIn, you can reach an even wider audience. The LinkedIn algorithm favors posts with lots of engagements. It lets popular posts stay on top of everyone’s newsfeed for a longer period of time.

Posting on LinkedIn adds credibility to your business because it establishes you as a thought leader in your industry. It is also a way to provide value to your community—which helps you gain their trust and makes converting them a lot easier. Investing some time and effort into LinkedIn content marketing can really help your business grow.

If you’re a jobseeker, you can strengthen your relationship with the people in your network. It can even help you make new connections, which can lead to more opportunities for career growth.

Now that you’re ready to post on LinkedIn, here’s how you can do it.

How to Post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn lets you post and share content through the share box on top of the LinkedIn home page. Click on ‘Start a post’ to start writing your LinkedIn post. There is an option that lets you select the audience for your post. You can choose from Anyone, Anyone + Twitter, and Connections Only.

Anyone + Twitter will post on LinkedIn and automatically share the first 255 characters of your post to your Twitter account. You have to authorize the app first before you can share it on Twitter.

In addition to written posts, you can also share photos, videos, and documents. Click on the Camera icon to share photos or click the Video icon to share videos. There is also a Document icon for sharing documents.

There is also a Poll icon for starting polls, and a Write Article button that takes you to a separate blogging page.

What to Post on LinkedIn

The type of content that you share is very important because it creates different responses from your target audience. Experiment with different kinds of posts to see what gets the most number of engagements. It is also good to maintain a healthy variety in your content schedule so that your profile visitors will remain engaged. The goal is to start conversations, so you can generate more leads.

LinkedIn is an excellent platform when it comes to establishing your reputation as a thought leader. The best type of content for this purpose is long form articles. Long form content can come in the form of blog posts, industry news, research, in-depth guides, and press releases.

As the name suggests, these are longer articles that give a lot of information and value to your target audience. It is best to write about things that are relevant to the interests of your audience.

Incorporate SEO or Search Engine Optimization into every single post. Use relevant keywords so that you can rank higher in search results. This will help you reach a much wider audience. Just keep in mind that SEO takes a while to produce results because everyone is using this technique. Use it as a long term strategy that can pay off in a big way in the future, but don’t rely on it as your sole source of leads.

Another tip is to create posts specifically for LinkedIn. Do not create posts on other sites and share them on your LinkedIn page because the LinkedIn algorithm will not prioritize these posts. Of course, LinkedIn does not want its users to click off to another website, so use LinkedIn as its own micro-blogging platform.

In between your long form content, you can post shorter content that are engaging, eye-catching, and entertaining. Sharing quick tips can attract the attention of more people compared to longer articles, so use it every now and then to boost your visibility. People love reading tips and tricks, especially when it’s about productivity, leadership, and professional success.

Write personal stories and anecdotes, including what you’ve learned from these experiences. A personal touch can create a stronger connection between you and your audience. Share inspirational posts to help others stay focused on their goals.

Encourage them to comment on your posts by asking questions or starting polls. Even just sharing a simple text quote that’s appropriate for your audience can start meaningful conversations. As much as possible, you want to reply to everyone who comments on your posts.

Videos and photos are some of the most engaging forms of content that you can share on LinkedIn. Post attractive and compelling photos that showcase your brand and give value to the audience.

If you don’t have a content team and are struggling to keep your content schedule full, remember that your posts don’t have to be 100 percent original all the time. Share curated content that are informative and relevant to your industry. Although you can’t monetize curated posts, you can still keep your network engaged. It also brings them value and shows that you care about your community.

The most memorable posts are inspirational, educational, and entertaining. Keep that in mind when sharing posts so that your content can truly stand out from the sea of LinkedIn posts. Become a thought leader, build your own community on LinkedIn, and watch your network and business grow.


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