Wednesday, November 4, 2020

How The LinkedIn Algorithm Works


According to social media statistics, LinkedIn is growing in terms of both number of users and new features. In fact, LinkedIn now has over 706 million users all over the world.

This growth means that LinkedIn is an even better platform for building business and professional relationships, as well as finding new opportunities for career development. But it also means that there’s more competition for the attention of your target audience.

Marketers need to learn exactly how the LinkedIn algorithm works so that they can stay ahead of the competition. You want to maintain your spot as an industry leader—and to do that, you have to understand how to use the LinkedIn algorithm to your advantage.

The LinkedIn algorithm determines what content shows up in your target audience’s feed, and which posts are not prioritized. By learning how it works, you can optimize your content to maximize your reach.

The good news is that using the LinkedIn algorithm to get the best results on LinkedIn is easier than you might think. Let’s have a closer look.

How the LinkedIn Algorithm Works 2020

Content on LinkedIn is classified as one of the following: image, text, video, link, and long form. The content is distributed to a sample size of people depending on the post’s classification.

The post can either be demoted for being low quality or shown to more people because it is classified as high quality. This depends on the different actions users take when shown your content. As expected, those posts that attract more engagement will be prioritized by the LinkedIn algorithm. Editors also review the content to see if it should be distributed beyond the user’s network.

So to put it simply, high quality posts that drive engagement are prioritized by LinkedIn. These posts show up to more people, and for a longer period of time. This is where you want your content to be if you are a marketer and you want to reach more people, generate more leads, and increase your revenue.

The LinkedIn feed is sorted by “Top Updates” by default. These posts are also based on your activity: meaning the accounts you regularly interact with by clicking “Like”, or commenting and sharing. However, LinkedIn users can also sort updates chronologically if they want.

How to Show Up Better in LinkedIn Search

Engagement and reach are rewarded by the LinkedIn algorithm—which means it’s not really different from other social networking platforms. If you can score lots of interactions and engagement, you will get maximum reach with your content.

The key is to engage users in genuine and meaningful conversations. Instead of jargon and self-promotion, encourage readers to start discussions. Create content that sparks these types of conversations.

It is therefore smart to avoid dropping links and expecting people to engage with you. You need to respect the social aspect of social media if you want to take the LinkedIn marketing route.

In addition to creating and posting high quality content, you also have to add keywords and hashtags that will help your audience find your content more easily. If you post content that are relevant to the interests of your target audience and add keywords that help them find you, your content will attract more engagement.

Ranking Factors for LinkedIn SEO

Keywords and engagement are some of the factors that affect your ranking for LinkedIn SEO. Figuring out the types of posts that boost your reach organically can also help you tremendously.

Do not shy away from short text posts that attract attention and spark conversations. Question-based posts, for example, do particularly well on LinkedIn. Questions are posts that literally ask for engagement and encourage conversations with your audience. When you pose a question, others are naturally encouraged to give an answer. Ask questions that are related to your industry: people love giving their opinions on various subjects.

Bite-sized posts that share small updates about your business or even personal life can help drive engagement. Think of them like status updates on Facebook: they are short, catchy, text-based posts that can attract a lot of attention. There’s nothing sales-y and there are no links involved.

Give your audience a quick tip or a piece of valuable advice. Short posts are great for keeping your content schedule full in between your long form articles.

Additionally, breaking news and industry happenings provide time-sensitive and topical content that your target audience need to know. It also shows to your followers that you have a pulse on your industry. Keep an eye out for Trending Stories and be there when the news breaks.

Videos and images are effective tools for catching the attention of your target audience. And because of their visual nature, they also tend to retain your audience’s attention. It’s a good way to get people to talk about something. If your video goes viral, then the LinkedIn algorithm would certainly love it.

Of course, the point of going viral and using the LinkedIn algorithm to your advantage is to reach more people. Don’t just post clickbait articles and videos to catch people’s attention because these will only hurt your credibility. Try to genuinely talk to your audience and create meaningful conversations. You will create much more valuable relationships that way.


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