Sunday, November 1, 2020

LinkedIn: Where To Upload Your Resume

As the number one networking tool for professionals online, LinkedIn is perfect for job seekers and recruiters alike. The social networking platform allows professionals to create valuable connections that will help them reach their career goals.

Naturally, many people think that LinkedIn is a place for them to put their resume. And while that is definitely an option, it is not really how LinkedIn is meant to be used. In fact it may even cause some connections to think that you are not savvy enough to understand how LinkedIn works. So in a way, uploading your resume on LinkedIn is not always the best idea.

Think of LinkedIn as a massive networking event with over 706 million attendees, and as your LinkedIn profile as one big resume. So even if it makes sense to upload your resume on LinkedIn, it is better to optimize your LinkedIn profile itself and then treat that as your online resume.

In fact, LinkedIn is more than an online resume. And if you are not using it actively to expand your network, establish your thought leadership, increase your revenue, and find new customers, you’re missing out.

Where to Upload your Resume

Now if you are set on uploading your resume on LinkedIn, the site gives you a few options. One of the best places to put it is underneath your name and headline, as a part of your Summary section. LinkedIn lets you upload files here. While we recommend featuring some of your best performing content in this section, you can also use it to showcase your resume if you want it to be prominently featured in your profile.

Doing so will also let you share your resume with your network. Profile visitors may download it directly from your profile page, which is handy for recruiters. Take note that for job applications, you will have to upload a separate resume as you can’t use the resume uploaded to your profile to apply for jobs.

If you don’t already have a resume, you can even use LinkedIn to create one. Either download your whole profile as a PDF in a resume format, or use the LinkedIn Resume builder feature to create and download a custom one.

Once you have your resume, you can upload it from the Job Application Settings page. Just click on the Upload button under the Resume section. LinkedIn will store your four most recently uploaded resumes. This helps you reuse your resumes for future job applications.

LinkedIn also gives you the option to upload your resume during the process of job application. Once you’ve found a job you want to apply for, click on the job title to view details and tap the Easy Apply button. Complete the required fields and then select Upload resume under the Resume field. This field is optional. However, if you are not logged in to LinkedIn, uploading a resume is mandatory. Finally, click or tap the Submit application once you are finished. LinkedIn recommends a resume file size less than 2MB. The file format has to be either Microsoft Word or PDF.

These are some of the methods you can use to upload your resume to LinkedIn. Consider optimizing your profile to make it stand out from the crowd. Add a good profile picture and background header that represents who you are as a professional. Ask your network for testimonials and recommendations to boost your profile. And don’t forget to add your skills, certifications, and work experience. Your LinkedIn profile itself acts as the perfect resume.

Focus on building an impressive LinkedIn profile and expand your network to create career opportunities for yourself. LinkedIn has so much potential when used properly.


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