Friday, December 11, 2020

Can You Use Hashtags In LinkedIn Stories?


When people spend time on social media, they typically engage with different types of content. They view photos posted by their friends, watch videos from famous influencers, look at memes, and read articles. Social media appeals to a lot of people not only because of the social aspect of these websites, but also because of their visual nature.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and even YouTube are able to retain their members’ attention by offering visual content like pictures and videos.

But another thing you should know about people on social media is that they have very short attention spans. If something doesn’t catch their interest within the first 5 seconds, they instantly click away or scroll down.

That is one of the reasons why Stories became such a popular feature. It’s because they are short visual content that’s easy to make and easy to consume. Stories were first introduced in Snapchat, but now almost every social networking platform has them.

LinkedIn rolled out its Stories feature worldwide in October 2020. And while some may wonder why a professional networking platform would have this type of feature, savvy marketers would recognize the potential of LinkedIn Stories for boosting engagement.

What are LinkedIn Stories?

Just like in other social networking sites, the Stories feature on LinkedIn lets you create posts that will only stay up for 24 hours. You can post pictures and add stickers to make them more visually attractive, or you can post videos that are up to 20 seconds long.

Stories are supposed to be short and sweet. They are easy to make, and that is why they are ideal for keeping your community engaged. Using LinkedIn Stories can help you boost brand awareness and show people that you are an active presence in this platform. Using this type of content will further cement your status as a thought leader in your industry.

LinkedIn Stories also offer a nice change of pace from the usual text-based content that are popular on LinkedIn. Do keep in mind that Stories are only available via the mobile app. This means you have to install the LinkedIn app in order to create and view stories.

LinkedIn Stories can be used to establish your brand and tell a compelling story that connects with your target audience.

Can I Use Hashtags in LinkedIn Stories?

Right now, hashtags are not available through LinkedIn Stories. Even if you create a post and include a hashtag, your audience won’t be able to click through it. The hashtag will only appear as though it is a part of the picture, rather than a link that can be clicked. There is also no indication that others can find your Story by searching the hashtag. However, this feature might be included in the future, so keep an eye out for that.

Hashtags are very powerful marketing tools that can help expand the reach of your content. Make sure you keep using hashtags on your other LinkedIn content. But for now, your LinkedIn Stories are purely visual.

You can, however, mention people and pages in your LinkedIn Stories. Just use the @ symbol followed by the name of the person or page that you want to mention. This will notify them about your new LinkedIn Story.

Get More People to See Your LinkedIn Stories

Hashtags may not be accessible through LinkedIn Stories at the moment, but there are plenty of other ways to get more people to see your LinkedIn Stories.

First, you need to make sure you are posting valuable content through your LinkedIn Stories. You can do a quick video on the latest industry news and updates, or give advice about interesting topics. You can use it to answer common community questions. Use this as an opportunity to share your knowledge and teach your audience something about your industry.

LinkedIn Stories can also be used to provide social proof for your brand. Every now and then, you can post about satisfied customers and clients. You can also post about your work culture and office environment. Give your audience a behind the scenes look at how your company works to build trust with your community.

The best content for your LinkedIn Stories will ultimately depend on your strategies and audience.

Another tip to boost engagement is to post early and often. Because your post will only stay up for 24 hours, posting early will ensure that more people can view the Story throughout the day before it disappears forever.

LinkedIn Stories are great because you can post multiple pieces of content without fear of clogging up your profile with tons of posts. Maximize your Story’s uptime by posting early in the day. Remember that consistency is the key.

Finally, try to expand your LinkedIn network so that more of your connections can see your Stories. LinkedIn Stories are primarily viewed by your connections and the people who follow you on LinkedIn. By expanding your network, you are naturally increasing the reach of your LinkedIn Stories.

Use these tips to reach more people via your LinkedIn Stories and boost your engagement today.


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