Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What Is It Like As A New Hire At Kennected?

This week, I began my official Kennected journey as the company’s new and first brand journalist. It’s a fitting title as I’m naturally observative and can easily see why a process may or may not work for others. I know how to seek out those in-depth quotes and develop compelling narratives.

But when it comes to marketing, I’m a rookie, or I would be considered a rookie if I were hired anywhere else. If you continue reading, you’ll come to find a pattern in my writing as I reveal the truth about one of the world’s most collaborative and innovative startup companies. 

Morning Kickoff Calls

A standing ovation is not something I’d expected during a Monday sales meeting, but the company has a way of making new employees feel valued. The first order of business was a “proper” introduction to the sales team, one of the best. 

“Marvel or DC,” one sales team member asked me.

I sense this is the real test. Forget the initial interviews; I’m going to get grilled on what really matters.

“Pancakes or waffles,” another member asked.

As I shuffle my feet in anticipation of their response, I say, “pancakes.”

Kennected asks the tough questions, but on a more serious note, the company knows how to get down to business when the time comes. It’s safe to say this is how you want to start every Monday morning, but I wasn’t done yet. 

What Is Orientation Like?

Kennected is energetic, and during my experience, the company ensured I was welcomed. It’s strange as an introvert to enter a company made of extroverts, but refreshing. The first day is confusing, a cluster, and it feels like arms are pulling me in all directions. 

On the surface, it’s hectic and frustrating, but below the surface, it’s not viewed this way by the company. My position is new, and the company has been continuously growing since its inception in 2018. That growth has come quickly, accumulating at least 100 employees in the last year. 

How Kennected Works

Kennected never stops moving. The company is a continuous SaaS built on a foundation of relationships over profit. From the first week alone, I’ve witnessed firsthand the data and teamwork that goes into each day.

The mornings are built on meetings of catching up with coworkers and ensuring everyone’s on track. Kennected is continuously growing with its staff, so onboarding is ongoing. Organization is what you would think a company thrives on, but it’s only one ingredient here. 

The kulture is modern in that they make their rules despite the traditional ways of business. It’s probably what’s kept the company going this long. CEO Devin Johnson has built an extensive array of individuals that are always thinking about the future, whether it’s aligning goals with employees in the New Year, or the correct way to market upcoming wearable technology.

Johnson has talked about the impact of using a shoestring budget and how the plan continues to thrive even four years into the company. The company has partners overseas and abroad, which is no surprise with the staff’s appreciation and extra effort into the marketing business.

Shark Tank events, celebrating each sale with a ring of the gong, and more activities are only a small fraction of the ways I’ve observed the company, including every victory. Kennected celebrates the small wins even when the day can be filled with multiple difficult calls. 

Marketing is incredibly complex and comes with a learning curve, at least for me, yet I’m still one of the many. Kennected has a way of making one feel valued and immersed in the business atmosphere even when you’re not from there. 

Who I Work With

There’s a saying where you should always surround yourself with geniuses if you want to learn and grow. If you’re always the smartest person in the room, it’s counterproductive. I’m clearly out of my element as I’ve been thrown in the fishbowl amongst the other schools of fish. But from the observation already, I work with some great people.

I have a journalistic background, while others come from marketing, sales, and public relations. But that’s why the company thrives in an ever-changing industry. 

Gavin Henry, the marketing coordinator, is all about social media. If it’s able to be put on the company’s platforms, he’s your guy. Eli Alvarez is a camera genius, constantly fiddling with the latest technology. I share the new marketing space with the two where there’s always something to talk about and great support from both.

Danielle Davi, director of the marketing team, helped me get on my feet the first couple of days. She knows the “ins and outs” of marketing and takes care of everyone around her. Brandon Poplstein, one of the co-founders of Kennected, is inclusive and knows how to direct a team of young professionals. 

Don’t believe me? Click here to see for yourself why Kennected is one the best places to be. 

The post What Is It Like As A New Hire At Kennected? appeared first on LinkedIn Automation, Messaging & Outreach Tool - Kennected.


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