Wednesday, February 9, 2022

How Many Calls Should An SDR Make A Day

It’s said that most people need to be told an average number of eight times to remember what they’ve been told. It takes concentration and thought to focus and process what you’re being told in every conversation. It’s a similar number of calls for reaching prospects.

To have a successful cold call conversion rate, sales reps must make 6-8 calls per prospect. And it takes about 18 calls to turn a lead into a qualified lead. How many calls per day depends on your weekly target. Depending on how much outreach SDRs want to do, they can make up to 60 calls per day to achieve their weekly goals. On an average 8-hour workday, that’s seven or eight calls per hour.

What Is A Sales Development Representative?

SDRs conduct the initial prospecting and sales before a deal is closed. Their focus is on outreach calls and sending emails, sparking meaningful conversations with each prospect. Outreach SDRs want prospects to develop an interest during the sales process. If prospects bite on the hook, they can connect them with an inside salesperson. Outreach SDRs represent the company name and should enlist the prospect with a good inside salesperson. The team should handle objections and provide a reasonable response to clients. Of course, even when conversations have made it this far, it doesn’t mean the person will follow up with a deal. A fair and reasonable response will determine if average talk will make way for business. This salesperson is an account executive and effectively maintains a good working relationship between the company and the prospect. Account executives do a more than average process of conversations either over the phone or in person. Depending on the company and product, the right contact can provide a simple “yes” or “no” after meeting with the team member. Sometimes, the prospect might want to research before meetings and ensure the product provides a quality solution.

Cold Calling vs. Outbound Calling

Cold calling involves a sales team making unsolicited calls to individuals who have no prior experience with the sales reps’ product. These calls can be easily misconstrued for outbound calls and vice versa. Making a cold call can also mean a sales development representative going door-to-door to initiate sales. Outbound calling involves the team of sales individuals doing pre-call research on prospects before a conversation is initiated. Both sales calls involve conversation to make prospects interested in the product and potentially willing to buy. A quick Google search of the prospects provide a targeted personalization. Outbound calling has been proven at effectively maintaining a new prospect. Unfortunately, when making phone calls, it’s likely only a small percentage of prospects will continue the sales conversation. However, knowing the right person and doing human research can increase the quality of the outreach and sale.

Activities Lead To Results

Several activities are used to (hopefully) close deals. These activities can be more calls, meetings, emails, or increased talk time. Talk time is the amount of time spent conversing with prospects or customers. Activities are also called leading KPIs as they “lead” into the result KPIs or lagging KPIs. Results consist of sales, the share of wallet, and new customers. A share of wallet is a metric to see how much customers are paying for the product or service you’re selling. Although outreach SDRs shouldn’t strive to sell higher prices, it’s always a plus when they do come along. Activities lead to results, so looking for the result without a plan is a simple answer but not a smart one. Outreach that is based on activity KPIs won’t always lead to the desired effect, but it’s more likely to than not.

Why Kennected Uses SDR Roles To Grow Our Business

Kennected works to answer every prospect’s call, providing quality, above-average calls every week. We ensure cold calls during an eight-hour day give our company new leads. The sales process between the prospect and business has held pretty steady every week. Kennected offers clients the chance to talk about their concerns and doubts during meetings.

Our outreach SDRs work with our sales project manager and leader every week to steer the course of the sales. Our outreach sales team talks with leads each hour to ensure our sales development matches our reputation in the sales industry.

Kennected strives to ensure we’re more than a business to each prospect. Although our calls cannot always be in person, we take a few minutes before making calls to know who we’re working with each meeting.

But Kennected is not only working to benefit our sales team, but we also want our customer’s lead flow to increase. Our company has top leaders who “swear” by our product, which has led to more qualified conversations and meetings with their targeted audience.

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The post How Many Calls Should An SDR Make A Day appeared first on LinkedIn Automation, Messaging & Outreach Tool - Kennected.


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