Monday, April 18, 2022

How Herbalife Reps Can Grow their MLM Downline

Table of Contents

Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a strategy used by direct sales companies wherein members are encouraged to sell their products and services while also bringing in new recruits into the business. These new recruits become the distributor’s “downline” or network. In turn, they are also encouraged to make sales and recruit new members to earn money.

In this setup, distributors are paid a certain percentage of their recruits’ sales. Multilevel marketing gets a bad reputation because of illegal operations that run in a similar way, also known as pyramid schemes. But a lot of MLM schemes are legal and are operated legitimately, and that is what we are going to focus on as we discuss how you can grow your own MLM downline.

When it comes to MLM, there are two sides of the business: promoting the products and recruiting new people. You need to sharpen your skills at selling and recruiting if you want to succeed in this industry. Growing your downline involves a lot of hard work, and if you don’t get good at recruiting, you cannot grow.

Improving your MLM recruiting is all about establishing a system that works for you. Here we will talk about how you can grow your Herbalife MLM downline.

What Do Herbalife Reps Sell? About Herbalife

Herbalife Nutrition Ltd., also known as Herbalife, is a global multi-level marketing company or MLM. Founded in 1980 by Mark R. Hughes, Herbalife is now known for selling dietary supplements. The company employs around 9,900 people around the world, and it also has a network of approximately 4.5 million independent MLM distributors and members.

Herbalife’s corporate headquarters is in Los Angeles, California while the business itself is incorporated in the Cayman Islands. Herbalife is one of only a handful of MLM companies that operate in 94 countries.

Herbalife has had its share of controversy, with its MLM business model being compared to a pyramid scheme because most distributors are also involved in recruiting distributors. It has been criticized for allegedly being a “sophisticated pyramid scheme”. However, due to these accusations, Herbalife has agreed to “fundamentally restructure” its business and pay a fine of $200 million in a 2016 settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Just like with other MLM companies, Herbalife distributors earn good money from selling products, usually with the use of Facebook posts and other social media outlets. Herbalife Nutrition offers weight loss products such as protein shakes, protein bars, vitamins, sports hydration, teas, and other personal care products.

Here we will discuss Herbalife and everything you need to know about this company and starting your own Herbalife business

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Jump Start Your Herbalife MLM Business with These Industry Leading Strategies

If you want your Herbalife business to grow, here are a few strategies and platforms you need to try.

Know where your target audience “hangs out” or spends time IRL and online. Finding out how people are looking for opportunities via a search function like Google or YouTube (where the user is looking to extract data from a database) or being pushed a message onto them via discovery via hashtags on your social media feed—knowing where your ideal prospects spend time online, and how they learn or educate themselves as well as entertain themselves is essential. 

  • Instagram

Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform with over 2 billion monthly active users.  That is 17.6% of the world population.

Over 200 million businesses are actively using the platform to promote themselves. A significant portion of the Instagram user population is from the US, with 123 million users. Meanwhile, 87% of Instagram users are from outside the US.

51.6% of all Instagram users are male while 48.4% are female. It is more popular among younger demographics, with 31% of all Instagram users being 18 to 24 years old. In fact, 73% of US teens say that the best way for brands to reach them is through Instagram. 25% of US teens say it is their preferred social media platform.

In 2021, Instagram users spent an average of 30 minutes per day on the platform.

Needless to say, this is an incredibly popular social network that can help you grow your MLM downline if you can use it correctly. Instagram is all about influencer marketing and aesthetics. You need to understand your brand and identity so you can post relevant pictures that capture the attention of your leads.

It is especially useful for businesses that are in the fashion, beauty, health, fitness, and parenting industries.  But you can succeed on Instagram no matter what you are selling as long as you maintain a solid and recognizable brand.

Keep in mind that Instagram users do not appreciate seeing product post after product post. You need to create a page that revolves around the lifestyle that you are selling. That’s what makes them want to follow a brand.

  • Facebook

If you thought Instagram was popular, Facebook takes this to a whole other level, with 2.91 billion users as of 2022. It also has a high number of daily active users at 1.93 billion. Around 69% of US adults are on Facebook. However, almost 90% of all active Facebook users come from outside the US and Canada. India, Indonesia, and Brazil all have over 100 million Facebook users each.

56% of Facebook users are male while 44% are female. 1.7% of all Facebook users are on desktop while 1.59 billion use their mobile device. In terms of income, 75% of users with an income above $75k are on Facebook.

The largest demographic group on Facebook is between 25 and 35 years old, so you should use this social network if your target audience is within that age range. Facebook appeals to older users unlike Instagram. However, there is also a significant population of Facebook users who are between the ages 18 and 24, with 23.8% of the user population falling within that age range.

If you want to use Facebook for MLM, it’s all about content marketing. Attracting people to your brand and products is better than selling stuff directly on Facebook. Most people do not come to social media to buy things. Instead, you need to make them realize that what you are offering may be something that they need.

Do not push your leads away—pull them into your page using genuinely helpful content. This will also establish you as a thought leader in your industry, which makes it easier to gain people’s trust and recruit them into your downline later on. Bring value to your leads, optimize your profile to make the best first impression, and grow your downline authentically.

  • LinkedIn

LinkedIn may not be as big as other social networking platforms, with only 810 million users around the world, but it is the biggest platform that concentrates on building professional and business relationships. It is the world’s largest networking event. There are over 690 million professionals on LinkedIn, meaning it is full of CEOs, entrepreneurs, professionals, and other decision makers in various industries.

LinkedIn has over 15 million open jobs—but it is not just for job hunters and recruiters anymore. It has evolved into an essential tool for B2B marketers and salespeople.

It goes without saying that this social networking platform is full of highly valuable leads for your MLM company. In fact, 50% of LinkedIn users say they are more likely to buy from someone they’ve engaged with on LinkedIn.

More than 74% of LinkedIn users are from outside the US. Speaking of US, 48.5% of LinkedIn users in the US are actively using the platform each month.

56.9% of LinkedIn users are male while 43.1% are female. As for the age demographics, 60.1% of LinkedIn users are between the ages of 25 and 34—which makes sense considering it is mostly used by the working population. However, it also has its fair share of millennials: with 19.2% of LinkedIn users being 18 to 24 years old.

LinkedIn is such a relevant platform in today’s professional landscape that 50% of all internet users with a college degree or higher are using it. We can say that LinkedIn is not only a social channel but a business channel.

If you want to grow your MLM downline on LinkedIn, you need to identify your target audience. LinkedIn works best when you focus on the best leads rather than casting a wide net. Identify the people who will benefit most from your products and services and then target that demographic.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile and start building your network. To make LinkedIn prospecting easier, you can use Kennected, which is an automation tool for LinkedIn that gives you a continuous stream of leads, connections, and appointments. With Kennected, you can send personalized messages and follow-ups automatically without spamming your target audience. Book a demo with Kennected today to learn more.

  • YouTube

YouTube is the biggest video sharing platform out there, with over 2.6 billion users around the world. The number of active users on YouTube reaches 122 million per day. People spend an average of 18 minutes per day on the video platform.

The total daily hours of video watched on YouTube is 1 billion hours. This is no surprise considering that there are 500 hours’ worth of video uploaded per minute and over 1 billion videos watched per day.

53.9% of YouTube users are male while 46.1% are female. 81% of US adults use YouTube. In terms of age demographics, 95% of 18 to 29 year-olds in the US use YouTube. 91% of people in the US aged 30 to 49 use the platform. Up to 49% of people in the US over 65 years old are using YouTube.

US YouTube users are also very active on the platform. 62% of YouTube users in the US say they visit the site every day.

With all the content that is being published on YouTube, it’s hard to stand out unless you already have an established brand. So to succeed here, you need to start building your brand by publishing your own videos on a regular basis.

Edit your videos to make them look professional. Keep them short and to the point to maintain your audience’s interest. Most importantly, cover topics that are relevant to your niche to attract your ideal targets for your MLM business.

  • TikTok

TikTok has proven that it is not just a passing trend and that it is here to stay. Like YouTube, TikTok is also a video sharing platform, but it is more focused on short form content. TikTok now has 1.2 billion users around the world as of 2022, and is now worth $50 billion.

There are 138 million monthly active TikTok users in the US.  57% of TikTok users are female while 43% are male.

This platform is mostly populated by younger users, with 43% of its global audience being 18 to 24 years old.  32% of TikTok users are aged between 25 and 34. In fact, only 3.4% of the TikTok user population is over the age of 55.

With its viral videos and popular trends, it’s easy to see why many people would spend so much time on the platform. The average TikTok user spends around 52 minutes on the app per day. 90% of TikTok users visit the app more than once a day.

The key to being successful on TikTok, whether you are a content creator or an MLM company is to get on the For You page. TikTok provides curated content based on what users like and engage with. So by making content that are relevant to your target audience’s interests, you will be able to show up on their For You page—the equivalent of the Facebook timeline—even if they are not following you.

TikTok makes it very easy for users to find and discover content that are interesting through the For You page. Even users who are casually scrolling through the app may find your brand’s videos. Hop on the latest trends and make your own version of popular videos. Don’t forget to inject some humor and insight so that viewers are more likely to follow you.

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Typical Recruiting Strategies for Most Multi-Level Marketing Companies

There are plenty of strategies you can try to boost your multi-level marketing company’s downline. But you need to strike the perfect balance when recruiting so you don’t push your leads away. Here are a few of the most common recruitment strategies used by MLM companies that you can try for yourself.

  • Build a list of friends and family

Some people are lucky enough to have many friends and family members that they can convince to join their business. But remember that you can’t rely on this. For your MLM company to grow, you need to develop a recruiting mindset.

You need to make friends wherever you go. The key is being able to recruit even strangers and casual acquaintances.

With that in mind, building a list with your friends and family is a good way to jumpstart your downline. You can expand it from there by connecting with mutual friends, colleagues, neighbors, old school friends, regular service providers, mentors, teachers, and members of your community.

Building your downline takes a lot of work, but everyone starts somewhere.

  • Attend BNI meetings

BNI, also known as Business Networking International, is a business referral organization founded by Ivan Misner in 1985. BNI is a good way for small businesses to get together and obtain referrals.

A BNI meeting typically involves a breakfast meeting with a local BNI chapter where you pitch your business and then set up one-on-one meetings with individuals within the group. The group can then work on getting referrals for one another.

Do take note that BNI has an annual membership fee. You also have to pay for breakfast in the restaurant you are meeting at. This recruitment strategy works fine for some companies, but it works best if you have a physical business with a mainstream niche. BNI is mostly for traditional small businesses rather than internet-based businesses and those with an unusual niche.

  • Build a network of referral partners

Speaking of referrals, you can try to build your own network of referral partners. Start by listing a few businesses that may serve as a strategic partner for you. Include businesses that you have collaborated with in the past.

You can then develop a referral system that makes it easy for you and your partners to generate referrals for one another. You can have clients fill up a form and provide their contact details.

You can also use your existing CRM system to capture this information so you can further support your strategic partner.

  • Post content on social media

If you’re still not promoting yourself on social media, you are definitely missing out. Just based on the few demographics we’ve listed above, most people are spending a significant amount of time on social media.

Establishing an online presence is a great way to get ahead of the competition. It has several undeniable benefits that you shouldn’t miss out on. Posting content on social media builds brand familiarity, which then helps you gain the trust of your target audience. If you continue posting high quality content, they will see you as a thought leader—which is exactly what you need to influence them to join your MLM downline.

In this digital age, content marketing is more important than ever. You can get discovered by new leads, build a following, provide value, and cultivate customer loyalty.

  • Talk about your product or service at every opportunity

In order to grow your MLM downline, you need to be the number one ambassador for your company and your brand. This means promoting your products and services every chance you get. But since you don’t want to push away your leads, recognizing the appropriate times to bring it up is an important skill to develop. Once you’ve mastered the art of promoting your company organically, you will be able to grow your MLM company with ease.

What Most Direct Sales Business Owners Are Doing Wrong

Most MLM business owners do it wrong. They come on too strong and assume that every single person they come into contact with is a potential sale or customer and they treat them with such reckless abandon that they end up burning family and friendships. Most of this could be avoided by proper sales training executed from the top of the direct sales organization.

Let’s face it: most direct sales organizations do not recruit professional salespeople. Some do, but by and large these are regular people who have no sales experience, have never been coached on the consultative approach, or social selling, or looping. Most new reps are so excited about the opportunity to change their life and the life of their family that they get overly zealous and often get angry when people don’t see the same opportunity and say “no”.

If you need further proof look at all the MLM fail screenshots online. The industry needs to educate and train sales reps in a way that encourages them to learn how to deal with rejection and how to remain positive without rubbing their friends, family and perfect strangers the wrong way.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Network Marketing?

Network marketing is a business model that involves person-to-person sales by company representatives. This is often done with a work from home (WFH) setup. If you are in a network marketing business, you may have to build your own network of business partners or your own sales team that can help you generate and convert leads into sales.

While many networking marketing operations are perfectly legal and reliable, their reputation is somewhat affected by the existence of pyramid schemes. The latter is less concerned with giving value to customers through high quality products and more focused on the recruitment of salespeople who are required to pay for expensive starter kits or training materials upfront. It is important to note that not all multi-tier marketing businesses are pyramid schemes.

Network marketing appeals to people with strong sales skills who are able to create a profitable business even with just a modest investment.

What is a Downline Building Service?

Downline building services are gaining traction on the internet, similar to how MLM programs are becoming more and more popular. This is because the internet is an ideal medium for marketing. It’s free and it is used by everybody.

Downline builders have become a popular way to recruit people for MLM companies. Just as the name implies, MLM downline builders help you build your downline. It is a marketing plan in which prospects are placed after signing up. This marketing plan may have a different organizational structure from other marketing plans. But regardless of structure, most downline builders are free.

What is a Direct Sales Company?

A direct sales company is a company that engages in direct selling. Direct selling involves selling products directly to consumers in a non-retail environment. This means that the sale occurs elsewhere like at home, work, online, or any other non-store location.

With the direct selling approach, businesses can avoid the usual intermediaries in the supply chain, allowing them to provide direct value to their customers. Direct selling mostly relies on a salesperson’s ability to get in front of a customer and sell the products to them.

Multilevel marketing is actually one type of direct selling. Other types of direct selling include single-level direct sales, and party-plan sales.

Are MLM (Multilevel Marketing) & Direct Sales Organizations the Same?

There are many similarities between MLM and direct sales organizations. However, they are not exactly interchangeable because of certain nuances and differences between them. Direct selling is more of an umbrella term that includes all types of companies in the industry—and that includes MLM companies. As long as a business is selling directly to the consumers, it can be considered a direct selling company.

On the other hand, multilevel marketing is a business structure wherein the seller earns from direct sales and the sales of recruits. The MLM is a tiered structure consisting of independent sellers and recruits. This is what sets MLM apart from direct sales organizations. So while MLM companies are doing direct selling, it does not mean all direct selling companies are MLMs.

How Do I Improve My Downline?

When building a downline, you have to be the biggest ambassador for your brand. You need to be loyal to your company brand so you can lead by example. You can’t sell your products convincingly unless you’ve tried them yourself and seen their results. You should essentially be a walking billboard for your brand.

Next, you need to encourage your downline to attend group-wide meetings and conventions whenever possible. These events and venues where distributors can all get together are perfect for getting everyone motivated. It helps people stay focused on their goals. This ultimately leads to improved sales.

You also have to be there to mentor your downline. You can offer advice and give them some inspiration. Tell them all about the business tools you used to grow your own downline. Encourage them to seek more information from books and online guides.

This business is built upon trust. Building your network is not an easy task, but you will eventually reach your goals by nurturing your existing connections and attracting more people into your downline.

How Do I Grow My Herbalife Team?

Back in 1980, Mark Hughes worked as the sole distributor of his Herbalife nutritional products. Now this company is one of the biggest MLM companies in the world. Compared to other MLMs, Herbalife is one of the biggest when it comes to weight loss products. Herbalife is now considered a leader in the direct sales industry. But the thing you should remember about this MLM is that it is not a get rich quick scheme. How much money you make depends on how much work you put into your Herbalife business.

If you are only starting out, you may want to do some research on some local Herbalife distributors. Make time to talk to them and see how their business is working out. They could give you tips on how to grow your own business as well as your MLM downline. Find an upline distributor and start your Herbalife business.

Speaking of doing your own research, make sure you try your Herbalife products before you start selling them. You can’t sell these products convincingly if you don’t believe in them either. People buy products from companies and distributors they can trust. So as part of your training, make sure you try out those Herbalife products yourself. Learn about its benefits and see for yourself if these products can really help you with your fitness goals.

Once you’ve become an ambassador of Herbalife products, you can easily keep up with other Herbalife distributors.

Start telling people about your own fitness journey and how Herbalife has helped you. Show them what you did to succeed in Herbalife and grow your own downline of distributors. People want to see results. So whether you are selling these products to new retail customers or trying to grow your MLM downline, you want to put your own journey at the forefront of your business.

Sharing your health victories will help you earn the trust of other people and potential customers, which will allow you to sell your Herbalife products in large quantities. Don’t be afraid to share your own success stories as you grow your Herbalife business opportunity.

How Can I Make My Herbalife Business Faster?

The most successful Herbalife distributors build their own downline of distributors to earn commissions from their team’s product sales. But just like with any other MLM business, this is going to take a lot of work. To maximize your chances of success, you need to sharpen some of your skills, namely: your communication skills, people skills, marketing skills, and sales skills.

You are going to interact with a lot of people. You can start with friends, family members, and other members of your immediate social circle. But soon you will have to expand your outreach and connect with other people including potential leads and customers. All of these skills will come in handy as you convince people to not only buy your products but also join your Herbalife business.

Growing your Herbalife business is going to be a challenging endeavor. But if you have the entrepreneurial spirit, it can also be a fun, exciting, and rewarding experience.

Feel free to get creative. You don’t have to rely on traditional promotional materials to market your Herbalife products and business. You can use modern channels such as social media. You can make a big announcement through a Facebook post or a YouTube video. It is important to let everyone know about your business.

How do Herbalife Distributors Get Paid?

Herbalife distributors sell Herbalife products and packages. Distributors earn money from sales and from commissions, meaning you can either sell products or recruit more participants into your network. Ideally, you will do both to make money.

According to Herbalife, distributors can buy products at a discounted rate, sell products to make a retail profit, or recruit other distributors. Distributors can earn from retail commissions, wholesale commissions, production bonuses, cash promotions, and the so-called Mark Hughes bonus for top performers.

Is Working for Herbalife Worth it?

Some MLM distributors treat Herbalife as their main source of income while others use it to add to their income streams. But either way, the main appeal of Herbalife is the freedom to be your own boss: to be in control of your hours and work from anywhere. A lot of business owners love this level of flexibility that Herbalife provides. It allows them to make money on their own terms while building a business that suits their lifestyle.

However, a lot of MLM distributors are aware of the fact that making money in Herbalife is incredibly difficult. Not everyone is up to the challenge. Working as a distributor while also looking for enough people to build your downline and generate enough income is not an easy feat. Not everybody can make millions off of this MLM business.

In order to generate more money, you need a massive downline. It is not a get rich quick scheme. This is not exclusive to Herbalife. Most MLMs work the same way. If you have the drive and passion to sell Herbalife products and recruit other distributors to your downline, then this may be a good fit for you. But much like any business, it may feel like an uphill battle until you have built your own downline.

Can You Make Money in Herbalife?

As we mentioned previously, making money in Herbalife is a challenge, but it is possible if you have enough passion for the business and are savvy enough when it comes to marketing, sales, and communication. You won’t make much money if you just sit around waiting to get paid. This type of business requires your active involvement.

Network marketing is a key skill you need to develop if you want to build a massive downline and make money. By understanding how to network and recruit people, you will be able to grow your Herbalife business.

You can buy Herbalife products as a distributor and then sell them at the suggested retail price. You get all the profit afterwards, meaning you make more money the more you sell. But recruiting distributors is another way to make a profit from this MLM company. You will earn commissions from your team’s sales. You even get a bonus after recruiting more than 10 people.

Whether you make money from Herbalife or not depends a lot on your marketing and networking strategies.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Herbalife?

Herbalife has low startup costs. To become an Herbalife distributor, you need to make a one-time investment of $94.10. This is fully refundable, with a 12-month money-back guarantee if you decide to cancel. You also get a 100% refund on unopened products. Herbalife also provides accurate disclosures to prospective distributors regarding potential income.

Herbalife even gives their distributors their own website, which makes it easier to promote the business on various social media platforms.

Distributors also get a lifetime 25 percent discount on their Herbalife orders. Those who reach the rank of supervisor get a 50 percent discount on their orders.

Can Herbalife Be Trusted?

Despite its fair share of controversies and the fact that it is often compared to a pyramid scheme, Herbalife is not a scam company. This is a legitimate company with a multilevel marketing business model.

Herbalife products are authentic. In fact, they often get plenty of good customer feedback. Most distributors can get behind these products.

With that in mind, making money through Herbalife is not exactly a walk in the park. Some people have lost money in their attempt to sell the company’s products, although this is not necessarily the fault of the company. Just like in any business, it is possible to make enough money but it is also possible to fail.

Can I Switch Teams in Herbalife?

In the MLM world, switching teams is not a common occurrence. Usually, it is not permitted. And since there is no information about switching teams in Herbalife, we can assume that it happens very rarely and is not highly encouraged.

How Do I Get Started as an Herbalife Distributor

Getting started as an Herbalife distributor is easy. You just sign up and order your Herbalife Member Pack, which serves as your starter kit. This pack includes a few Herbalife products and other important materials that will help you get started as a distributor.

You can start building your Herbalife business today and enjoy the benefits of working for one of the world’s biggest direct sales companies. Visit their website today to learn more:

The post How Herbalife Reps Can Grow their MLM Downline appeared first on LinkedIn Automation, Messaging & Outreach Tool - Kennected.


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