Tuesday, June 7, 2022

How Do You Collect Lead Data?

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Quick question, what do you think is the secret to having a strong brand today?

If you said having a strong rapport with your customers, you’re about as right as you can be.

Today, people buy from brands or sellers they trust. This may include believing the brand can foresee their needs, or that the seller shares their values and cares about the customer’s (your) experience.

If that sounds like a hard bargain to bring to the table, don’t worry! Today, we’re here to simplify these principles and help your sales teams build a relationship with your clientele through lead generation and data collection.

In most cases, marketers are tasked with the responsibility of driving traffic to the website and finding leads that convert to sales. They may use tools like search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), and social media campaigns among other means. While this may be less trivial, the challenge is in capturing and converting visitors you’ve brought to your site.

Lead Data Collection & Lead Capturing

Lead capture refers to any technique of collecting contact information on potential clients to find more leads. Typically, this process is facilitated using lead capture pages and lead capture forms. Lead capture forms can be more effective when they give the customer something in return. This exchange may involve a discount or personal offer for first-time customers. Lead capture pages are more beneficial for specific marketing crusades. The aim of this page is to entice the visitors to leave their information while providing information.

Despite traditional lead capture pages being the core of most generation approaches, it is gradually becoming a hurdle today. Customers are more protective of the information they put on the internet and most tend to shy away from giving away too much data. With this in mind, it is possible that lead capture forms may be negatively affecting your progress.

Lead Generation and Customer Data

Most people automatically think about numbers, charts or percentages when talking about the concept of data. Because of that, it’s only natural if you’re wondering what numbers have to do with establishing strong relationships with your customers.

Still, even if you’re new to marketing, it’s important to note that the data you will collect from your site is more than just numbers. In the case of your lead capture form, try switching the word “data” with “information” and you’re already well on your way to getting in the headspace for lead generation marketing.

Each piece of information you can collect creates a big picture overview of your customers, their traits, and other bits of info you can use for lead generation strategies. For instance, you can tell when they like to shop, which social media platform they prefer, and their busiest time during the day.

All this information is invaluable to your bottom line. Your data collection will help you reach out to them in the right way, and at the right time. Likewise, social media platforms will help you find more leads. After the potential lead converts into your clientele, you can use this information to enhance the customer experience.

If the information collected is wrong or unnecessary, you will get negative results. So, it is crucial that you think about the correct information you need for your business.

Start filling your sales pipeline today

How Do You Collect Lead Data?

Now that we have an overall understanding of why this data is important, let’s focus on how to collect the right information. Here are 5 ways of enhancing your lead generation:

1. Motivate Your Visitors to Share Their Data

As explained earlier, information collected from your visitors has real value, both short-term and long-term. Therefore, it is only fair that they get something in exchange for their data. Examples include streamlined customer experience, entertainment, personalized offers, exclusive information among many more. This exchange allows you to add value for customers. In essence, people are more likely to share their details when provided with an instant prize.

If you are creating generation through social media, ensure your content is interactive. We all spend a lot of time on different social media platforms liking, sharing or posting different content. Your marketing team can also use this strategy by creating interactive content for your customers while presenting your products or services. The overall benefit is ensuring leads that convert to sales. You can also encourage potential clients to participate in certain social trends with prizes for the winners.

2. Use Effective Data Management Practices

Let us picture that your lead data collection and lead capturing strategies are positively influencing your business. You can now find more leads! This also means that the leads are sharing their personal data and eventually converting into customers. Do you have the best policies to manage this data?

Each country has its rules about collecting and securing sensitive data. Countries in the European Union follow the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation. Nonetheless, there are basic standards to follow while managing personal sensitive data. These basic policies include:

• Store the data securely and only give access to specific people.

• Publish terms and conditions for every lead campaign.

• Get clear consent before adding your visitors to your email list.

• Publish a cookie policy and a privacy policy on your site.

• Allow people to unsubscribe from your emails and delete their data.

Such standards allow the visitors to trust you to ensure their data is secure. Therefore, they will be more compelled to share their information for your benefit. As mentioned earlier, people will buy more from companies or brands that they trust. So, what is stopping you from integrating these standards to foster trust between you and your customers?

3. Put Emphasis on Primary Data for Lead Collection

Asking for too much information from your leads will deter them from leaving any data. It is imperative to understand the reason why you require the information you are asking from your leads. In addition, focus on respecting their preferences. For example, your clients may not wish to be part of your email list, so, respect their choice. A common mistake is that brands will ask for too much information too soon.

Imagine this, you open a site to check for local vendors in your area. Before you select which vendor to use, the site is already asking for your address, card details and phone number. Isn’t that absurd? Try to imagine yourself as a customer who is visiting your site for the first time. The last thing you want is to come off as intrusive and irrelevant.

4. Optimize for Conversion

This strategy is solely focused on the user experience. As discussed above, a fun and interactive operation is more likely to prosper compared to traditional systems. In a way, you need to make it easy for your visitors to share their personal data. How do you go about achieving this?

Firstly, all your promotions need to be responsive. This aspect means that the campaign should be clearly and quick on all devices, tablets, desktops and smartphones. Always keep it in mind that most people will visit your site using their smartphones. Secondly, accessibility is key when designing the campaign. Some of the factors to focus on include adding al-text to images, color palette of the site and if the entry form can be accessed using a screen reader.

Lastly, you need to put your focus on optimizing conversion to ensure legit leads. Some of the questions to ask yourself for this step include;

• Are the prizes clear and explicit for your visitors?

• Are the rewards offered appealing for your ideal client?

• Is the signing up process simple and clear?

• Are you asking relevant questions?

5. Create a Strategy for Developing Leads

Earlier, we mentioned that a common mistake is collecting too much information that may not be necessary for your product or service. Another mistake is that brands will collect useful data and fail to use it the correct way. In essence, if you collect data from your visitors, always ensure to make good use of it.

You can categorize the different information collected. For example, you have collected email addresses, names and phone numbers. How does this data translate to conversions and overall business success? You may choose to send everyone on your email list recommended products based on their data. You can also text them when you have sales or offers in the long-term.

Start filling your sales pipeline today

Kennected Can Help

Collecting relevant data from legit leads will either make or break your business. While this article highlights the overall process of how to collect lead data and use it to your advantage, you’ll also have to ensure you add value to the lead and allow them to either continue or discontinue the process of sharing information at will.

The more up front you are about data collection, the more likely your potential customers are going to be to actually collect data about them. Our Social Selling course will get you more than ready to start selling with success.

The post How Do You Collect Lead Data? appeared first on LinkedIn Automation, Messaging & Outreach Tool - Kennected.

source https://kennected.org/how-to-collect-lead-data/

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