Monday, June 13, 2022

What Are The Three Types Of Cloud Services?

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Due to the increasingly competitive cloud computing market, CIOs and IT generalists are tasked with evaluating, purchasing, and managing cloud services. To ensure that you are getting the best deal, you need a solid understanding of the types of cloud service provider models and how they differ.

How Cloud Services Work

Cloud computing services are essentially just virtual machines that run in the cloud. When you need to use a particular service, such as email or photo storage and sharing, your computer will connect to a server that runs that service. You can then use that service over the internet, just like any other program on your computer. A network of thousands of servers is placed worldwide to make this possible.

Cloud Deployment Models

Cloud deployment models are a way of categorizing how you can use cloud computing. They’re helpful because they help you understand what type of cloud computing deployment you should use and how it works.

Public Cloud

Public types of cloud computing hosting refer to IT infrastructure provision in a shared service environment designed specifically for on-demand consumption of cloud computing resources. None of these resources are owned or leased by the user. Instead, they are provided cloud services over the internet (or private networks) by an external party known as a cloud provider. The most common form of public cloud is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Pros of Public Cloud

Speed to Market

You don’t need to wait for hardware or software with public cloud computing. You get it when you need it. This allows you to focus on what matters most for your business, like growing your customer base or developing new products.


With the public cloud, your capacity can grow with your business as needed. You don’t have to worry about outgrowing your Infrastructure or slowing down because of it.

Cost Efficiency

Public cloud computing allows you to pay only for what you use without worrying about upfront costs or having unused resources sitting around taking up space in your office.

Cons of Public Cloud


Your data is stored on servers under the control of your cloud provider, so it’s not as secure as it would be if you had your servers. This means that hackers have more opportunities to hold your data, leading to issues from identity theft to credit card fraud.


Public clouds can be very expensive, especially if you’re running something like an e-commerce site that requires a lot of cloud computing power and bandwidth. You’ll also need to pay extra for redundancy, which means paying double the cost for a backup server if something goes wrong with one of your main ones.

Data Control

When using a public cloud computing service, you don’t have complete control over your data management or the company’s location (and you can change those things at any time).

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Private Cloud

This is a dedicated IT infrastructure that you own and operates within your secure premises. Private types of cloud computing can be realized in many ways. You can deploy the hardware yourself (e.g., your own data center), rent the hardware from a cloud service provider, get a managed private cloud solution delivered as a service, or a hybrid of those three approaches.

Pros of Private Cloud


The cloud owner makes all decisions about the cloud computing infrastructure’s configuration, deployment, and operation. This allows you to build a cloud that meets your specific needs.


You can scale up or down depending on your current need for resources. This means you will never be paying for more than you need, and it also gives you plenty of room to grow if required in the future.


Your data is stored on servers within your internal network, which means that it’s much safer than storing data on public clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Cons of Private Cloud

It Can Be Expensive

If you’re looking for an easy and inexpensive option, this isn’t it. You’ll need to buy hardware and software as a service license and pay for support services like maintenance, monitoring, and administration. It’s also not an option if you have limited funds.

It’s Not Flexible

Because the cloud is managed by one company or organization, it may not be able to meet your needs if they don’t fit what the company has already built. This could mean that you’ll need to go through a lengthy process of convincing them to accommodate your needs before they create any changes.

It Can Be Restrictive

Private clouds only offer the services they’ve created themselves. They won’t provide any other options because they don’t want their customers to use anything else. This means that if there’s something else that would work better for your business needs or workflow, it probably won’t work with your cloud.

Hybrid Cloud

Cloud computing services make it possible for you to choose what works best for your organization at any given time. Even if most of your workloads run on-premises, a hybrid cloud solution may be in place. An off-premise cloud solution may be used if a workload needs to be served externally over the internet. This is a combination of public and private cloud services.

Pros of Hybrid Cloud

More Reliable Networking

You have to worry about latency and packet loss with traditional networking options. With a hybrid cloud, however, you can use multiple cloud computing providers at once so that if one goes down or experiences network issues, your business will still be able to function smoothly.

Better Security

Traditional networks can’t always keep up with the security requirements of today’s businesses because they rely on physical servers that are vulnerable to attacks from hackers. But with hybrid clouds, you can use multiple providers in different locations around the world, which means they don’t all have to be located in one place where hackers might try breaking into them.

It’s Flexible

Suppose your business grows or changes over time. In that case, you’ll be able to adjust your Infrastructure accordingly without buying new equipment or upgrading software as a service license every time there’s an update.

Cons of Hybrid Cloud

Security Concerns

There are security concerns with applications running on both public and private clouds because hackers could use multiple attack points.

Cost of Managing Multiple Platforms

Managing two or more platforms requires additional resources, including staff time and expertise, which can increase costs compared to managing a single platform as a service.

Types of Cloud Services

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

This is the most basic form of cloud computing. It refers to the provisioning of raw computing infrastructure, such as storage and network resources, but not their actual management. This allows them complete control over their infrastructure as a service and means they have to manage it themselves. IaaS is best suited for applications with moderate demands for CPU, memory, storage, and other resources.

The virtual resources offered through IaaS include virtual machines (VMs), virtual networks (VNets), storage disks, databases, websites, and more. These are managed by your provider’s staff members or third-party service providers. They are often used for development or testing purposes.

Storage is a necessary component of IaaS, the cloud computing platform. Storage is used to store data that users and applications can access. The three main types of cloud computing storage are:

Block Storage

Block storage stores large amounts of data that are not accessed frequently. It’s often used for storing files or databases.

Object Storage

Object storage stores object as opposed to blocks of data. Objects are typically smaller than blocks, and object storage can handle large and small things. Object storage also scales because it doesn’t require the same resources as block storage when more space is needed on your servers.

File System

The file system provides high-performance access to files stored on disk drives. Still, they’re more limited than other types of cloud computing storage because they don’t allow you to directly access individual files or folders in your database (for example).
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Disadvantages of IaaS

Security Issues

Since the customer owns their servers, they must ensure that they are protected from security threats. Otherwise, they will face severe problems if hackers or unauthorized individuals access their data.

Lack of Support

Since you do not have any support from your provider when it comes to software as a service installation or maintenance, you must be able to do this yourself to keep your business running smoothly.

High Costs

With this type of service, there will be fees associated with renting virtual machines or physical servers online, which could add up quickly depending on how much space you need.

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

This is a cloud computing stack in which the cloud provider delivers an operating system, database, and other middleware and development tools as a service to cloud users. The application is built on the PaaS platform as a service the cloud provider provides. PaaS makes it easier for developers to build web applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

With PaaS, you can develop and deploy applications in the cloud without managing the underlying infrastructure.

Disadvantages of PaaS

The first disadvantage is that PaaS can be expensive. The price of PaaS depends on the number of users and their needs.

PaaS also has limitations in terms of scalability. If your application needs more resources or needs to change something about it, you may need to switch providers because this service does not allow for customization.

PaaS does not give you complete control over your data or server configuration because all aspects are handled by the company providing the service. This includes security concerns like security patches and backups that could leave you vulnerable if anything happens while being updated.

SaaS (Software as a Service)

SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a way for businesses and individuals to access the software remotely. The cloud computing-based software is hosted by the provider and is accessible from any device with an internet connection.

SaaS models are popular with startups and large corporations because they allow companies to scale their operations quickly without spending money on hardware and software development. SaaS also enables users to access their data anywhere, anytime they don’t have to worry about maintaining their servers or hiring IT staff.

Disadvantages of SaaS

Less Control Over Data

When you use SaaS, you’re giving up some control over your data. There’s no guarantee that it will always be safe. There’s no guarantee that if something happens to the company providing the service, they’ll be able to recover any lost data for you; it could disappear forever. However, there are usually many different security implements in place – make sure to check with your provider to determine the best choice in this regard. 

It Might Not Be Suitable For Your Business

If you need more control over your data or security is essential to your company, then SaaS might not be suitable for you or not yet! As technology advances and more companies start using this model successfully in ways that weren’t possible before (like storing sensitive information), maybe someday it will make sense for everyone else.

Choosing the Cloud

The cloud has the potential to revolutionize the way that businesses operate. In other words, cloud computing allows companies to maximize their efficiency while minimizing costs. And while it’s important to know what cloud solutions are out there, it’s just as crucial that you know your options and how they can help you.

Of course, the three types of cloud computing services we’ve discussed are only a small sampling of possibilities in a very expansive marketplace. Feel free to visit our website here at Kennected for more information about making the most of this powerful technology.

The post What Are The Three Types Of Cloud Services? appeared first on LinkedIn Automation, Messaging & Outreach Tool - Kennected.


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