Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Authentic Marketing For The Win

You may have heard, “Great brands avoid selling products.” Inauthenticity and inconsistency can cost a business its audience and revenue.

In today’s market, it’s important for a business to be aligned, consistent, and personal with its audience. 

Customers want an experience that’s unique to them & falls short of “bad advertising.” Businesses should be marketing to PEOPLE rather than TARGETS. 

Here is what the article states –

“In the marketing world, it’s often said that people don’t hate advertising — they hate bad advertising. What does and doesn’t constitute bad advertising can be discussed ad nauseum, but many of the points in that conversation all come back to one idea: inauthenticity.

Brands are speaking from a point-of-view that isn’t native to them, speaking to audiences they don’t connect with, or, all too often these days, capitalizing on “trends” in which they have no real story to tell. But perhaps most egregiously, and most common, is brands failing to recognize that they’re serving people — human beings, not “targets.”

Your customers are smart and want to be treated as such — they want personal, not transactional, interactions — and expect you to remember their history with your company, when they last spoke to customer service or a sales team member and where things stand.”

Read the rest of the story here

There’s a brief window where brands cross paths with prospects. If those paths don’t align, the prospect will continue until they find a brand that does.

Kennected is known for its unique approach to branding — “relationships over revenue.” The SaaS organization understands the importance of relationship-building because it’s our reality.

Without a connection, there’s no business exchange. But not only that, providing an ineffective customer experience hinders a brand’s reputation and name. 

That’s why we launched Cloud Kennect, a revolutionary automation tool that ANYONE can use regardless of their target audience.  

LinkedIn is the #1 platform for B2B lead generation & it’s showing no sign of slowing down. 

The tool becomes your personal sales outreach assistant providing authentic messages so you can get the conversation off the platform for (hopefully) an in-person connection. 

As any salesperson knows, relationship building is only half the battle, but with Kennected, we hope to make the process as simple & painless as possible for everyone.

The post Authentic Marketing For The Win appeared first on Kennected.


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