Thursday, July 28, 2022

Is EZ Texting Legit

EZ Texting is an SMS service provider designed to help your business with SMS marketing campaigns and sending text messages to your client base.

Yes, EZ Texting is legit!

If you choose EZ Texting as your messaging service, you’ll receive easy access to your mobile audiences, as well as a lot of other text message marketing benefits.

Read on to learn more about EZ Texting and how business users benefit from this message tool nowadays in a variety of ways.

Let's Review EZ Texting: What Is It?

EZ Texting is a bulk texting software that is utilized by small businesses and large corporations alike in order to engage their mobile audiences.

If you choose EZ Texting as your SMS message tool, you’ll receive the following benefits from the SMS messages:

  • Better customer service through EZ Texting’s platform

  • Text to landline capability through the web interface

  • Message templates to help guide your SMS

  • The ability to send an MMS message, create QR codes, and reminder campaigns for your customers

  • Reach multiple clients from multiple locations

  • Have access to an EZ Texting inbox where each response from your customers is stored

Additionally, EZ Texting offers a free trial where you can see how the platform works and decide if the EZ Texting features appeal to you.

In general, platforms like EZ Texting and its messaging solutions allow businesses to save money through the messaging service by including free credits and an annual subscription to make sure that the platform is user friendly.

EZ Texting and other platforms work hard to create a social network for your business text messaging, helping you to make your SMS marketing campaigns cohesive and effective.

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How Do I Use EZ Texting?

When choosing EZ Texting as your SMS marketing platform, it’s important to know how it functions.

The standard for business texting software is the inclusion of SMS and MMS campaigns, complete with an image editor, monthly plans, and other benefits for mid market businesses.

EZ Texting is a software born out of necessity— too many other platforms have bad delivery rates, company non profit organization management, and poor outreach efforts.

As an SMS marketing platform, EZ texting prides itself catering to the needs of small businesses through easy text messaging solutions and delivery reports in a timely manner.

The service works like this:

  1. After paying the EZ Texting cost, you’ll register your small business through the application and create your own SMS campaign.

  2. You’ll compile a list of contacts to receive your text messages.

  3. Once you sign up and enter your SMS list, you can begin experimenting with the unique features EZ Texting offers.

  4. Use this platform for customer support, promotional text messages, and other text message marketing features.

EZ Texting prides themselves on being an almost perfect texting app, or as close to a perfect texting app as possible for all our members and their text messaging needs.

If you are a small business looking to embark on an SMS campaign, check out the free version of EZ Texting to see exactly what the service is all about.

You’ll find that EZ Texting’s overall rating is high and many small businesses consider it to be their favorite platform with all alternatives considered.

How Is This Service Different From Phone Calls?

You may be wondering exactly what SMS marketing does for your business that services like e mail and phone calls aren’t already accomplishing.

The best way to elucidate the benefits of SMS texting is through the power of the text message itself in the business world:

  • Invites open communication between you and the client

  • Allows you to send attachments and images, including QR codes and other clickable links within the text message

  • Provides a direct channel for customer support

  • A customer is given the opportunity to sign up for your SMS and give an overall rating and honest review of your SMS messaging service

  • You can be alerted quickly to a bad delivery or a brutally honest review and fix it quickly

  • You can send two messages to a certain client, or one message to a group of 100+ clients

The two biggest takeaways here are within the accessibility that texting gives you and the ability for your business to partake in mass messaging.

If you are a business sending out a lot of email correspondence, you may be seeing low open rates and even lower response rates from your communications.

EZ Texting is a platform designed to help your business benefit from sending out SMS messages, and a big piece of that comes through the 98% open rate that text messages boast.

As a texting software, EZ Texting’s monthly plans will guide you and your business through a successful SMS campaign, where you will soon begin to see firsthand the many benefits of the service.

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How Should I Structure My Business Messaging?

Through the EZ Texting free trial, you’ll be able to experiment a bit with what message structure works best for you.

Despite this experimentation period, EZ Texting will not explicitly tell you how to structure your business texts.

That’s where we come in!

Your business texts should always look something like this:

  • Opening: Greet the client with an informal and friendly greeting that includes BOTH your name and the name of the client.

  • Content: After you greet the client, insert any message that you deem appropriate for the text message format. This can include customer support, a link to a plan monthly with your company, or an opportunity for the recipient to leave an honest review. Keep this section short and sweet!

  • Closing: Leave the message open-ended to encourage a response, or include a link here to provide a call to action. Include your name and contact information in the closing as well.

You have likely seen this format in SMS texts you have received, whether it is a coupon for gym members or a free trial for a car service.

Regardless of the contents of the message, the format should stay largely the same for all of the SMS you are sending out to your clients.

You can experiment with the free keywords EZ Texting provides you or links to customer support channels, but remember to keep your texting simple and to the point.

The Do's and Don'ts of EZ Texting

Before you embark on your own EZ Texting adventure, let’s take some time to go over the do’s and don’ts of the service.

The Do’s:

  • Do keep your message short and sweet

  • Do include your contact information in every message

  • Do include links for clients to opt in and opt out

  • Do include only one pay option within your text linking

  • Do provide a free trial or other links to discounted service through your SMS

  • Do experiment with images and attachments through the message tool

The biggest things to keep in mind for your EZ Texting is to remember the format of the text message, and model your content around that.

Make your message readable, cohesive, and easy to understand.

The Don’ts:

  • Don’t include long form content

  • Don’t include more than one link per message

  • Don’t always use the EZ Texting templates

  • Don’t ignore the responses from your customers

  • Don’t neglect the EZ Texting features like analytics and metrics regarding your open rates and response rates

  • Don’t confine your messaging to the same format all the time

It can be easy to rely on the EZ Texting platform and simply use the templates that it provides for you, but this is not a good long term solution.

One of the great features of SMS marketing is that it allows you to create content that best suits the needs of your company, whether that includes improving your marketing strategy or even your sales efforts.

While you should use the templates to help guide your SMS in the beginning of your campaign, make sure that you are stepping outside of that comfort zone in order to best accomplish the SMS marketing goals of your business.

A good rule of thumb is to consider the EZ Texting platform as supplementary to your business.

It is there to help you and guide your SMS, but your business is still the one in charge and the one driving all of the content.

Use EZ Texting to your advantage, but don’t let the software run your business.

If you keep this approach in mind, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of EZ Texting without letting the service completely dictate your marketing efforts.

How Kennected Uses Business Texting Software

At Kennected, we have seen firsthand the power and benefits of using SMS software like EZ Texting to your advantage.

Creating successful SMS campaigns is critical to the success of any business, and this is especially true for businesses in the digital marketing sphere like ourselves.

Platforms like EZ Texting have many benefits, and it’s important to evaluate your own marketing strategy before utilizing this service.

You’ll want to see where gaps exist in your current marketing endeavors before bringing in services like EZ Texting to fix them.

Once you are prepared to begin an SMS campaign, you’ll see the plethora of benefits that platforms like EZ Texting can provide, and you may even wonder how your business ever flourished without it!

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Hop-On The Kennected Train

According to HubSpot, 61% of companies name their top marketing challenge is generating traffic and leads.

If you’re part of that 61%, keep reading because what you’re about to discover could be a game-changer for you and your business (like it has for thousands of people before you).

So many business owners & sales professionals that come to us are struggling to get ahead because they’re stuck relying on referrals, lead lists, or manual prospecting.

This is taking up too much of their time and isn’t creating the consistent income they’re looking for to fund the lifestyle they want for themselves and their families.

Four years ago, the founders of Kennected had the same struggles. They found that lead generation was way too complicated, expensive, and time-consuming, knowing there had to be a better way.

So they developed a new way of getting qualified leads that turn into new customers on the #1 platform for B2B lead generation… LinkedIn.

In the four years since we developed this lead gen strategy, we’ve earned a spot on the Inc. 5,000 list of Fastest Growing Companies in America.

And more importantly, it helped over 17,000 businesses get new leads and sales for THEIR businesses.

Want to see how it works?

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The post Is EZ Texting Legit appeared first on Kennected.


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