Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Is LinkedIn Good For Lead Generation?

LinkedIn surpasses all social media platforms for lead generation.

Are you maximizing LinkedIn to generate leads for your business? Many marketers focus their attention on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for lead generation.

As a marketer, you’re undoubtedly aware of some of the major social media sites you can use for lead generation.

LinkedIn offers a unique professional network for its members.

LinkedIn is a treasure trove for marketers, and it is an avenue for top-level influencers, decision-makers, and industry thought leaders for networking, discussion, debate, and research.

According to the Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn, 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content.

This means that many B2B marketers are wrong, or a lot of people are on to something.

You’d be remiss to pass up on what 94% of your competitors are already taking advantage of.

With the apt marketing strategy, you can grab the attention of the LinkedIn community, and it can be your effective lead generation method.

This network differentiates LinkedIn from other platforms and makes it the social media platform of choice for professionally geared content.

Utilizing its potential can differ from person to person and organization to organization. It involves making the most of networking options and considering paid adverts for most.

This blog will not put down other social media sites or tell you LinkedIn is the end-all and be-all for your digital marketing needs.

We’re going to be upfront and straightforward about LinkedIn’s potential.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation refers to all of the activities and strategies you use to attract potential customers.

Generating leads is important because, with nurturing, potential customers can become paying customers that use your products and drive revenue.

LinkedIn’s typical audience comprises professional decision-makers with purchasing power, helping you speak directly to the potential customers that can become paying customers.

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Why Use LinkedIn For Lead Generation?

LinkedIn has been Kennected’s #1 tool for lead generation. But it has to be used right and not in a spammy, sales manner.

LinkedIn is not the most obvious choice when you think of social media marketing. However, this professional networking site offers a goldmine of B2B marketing opportunities.

  • LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than Facebook and Twitter

  • Seventy-nine percent of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is an effective source for generating leads

  • Over 80% of all B2B leads generated by social media come from LinkedIn

Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are on LinkedIn, and a recent survey of business executives found that 76% of them check their LinkedIn accounts daily.

This type of engagement helps explain why LinkedIn generates more leads than blogging, Tweeting, or posting on Facebook, which results in some of the highest conversion rates among any of the major social media sites.

More and more marketers are discovering that LinkedIn can provide sales qualified leads that can be coaxed through their company’s B2B sales funnel and converted into paying clients.

LinkedIn lead generation converts more leads for less.

There are ways to do LinkedIn lead generation for free

Still, even if you go with a paid strategy, you could save big compared to running a similar ad campaign on a search engine or another social media platform.

However, the entire approach of lead generation and promoting your brand is highly tricky. You have to attain the limelight without appearing overly promotional.

To propel your LinkedIn lead generation efforts utilizing the LinkedIn marketing tools is a great way to boost your efforts. LinkedIn natively offers a suite of organic and paid marketing tools.

These resources can help you build an effective organic presence with a LinkedIn Company Page, allow you to amplify post reach and engagement via LinkedIn Ads, and help you measure and optimize your marketing efforts to drive more impact.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Before Generating Leads

Remember to keep your profile brief and to the point, without omitting crucial details for which users can find you.

This means writing compelling LinkedIn summary sections that entice other professionals to want to connect with you.

If your company has a LinkedIn profile, make sure you connect to it as an individual and are ready to interact.

Carefully curated résumés and detailed profiles of potential leads make it easy for sales teams to reach out and connect with their prospects on LinkedIn, creating a more personalized experience than most other social media platforms.

LinkedIn Pages

In addition to completing your profile, you should also create a company page for your business/brand.

Provide complete details about your company, including its size, location, operational years, products/services, etc.

An up-to-date company page makes your brand appear more trustworthy and professional.

Businesses and organizations on LinkedIn can create events, available jobs, and organizational news with LinkedIn Pages.

Ask For Help From Colleagues

Your company’s workforce can be one of your biggest brand advocates on LinkedIn. You should encourage them to share your content on their personal LinkedIn profiles.

That will help expand your reach and reach their networks on LinkedIn.

This, in turn, increases brand awareness, boosts brand credibility, drives website traffic, and ultimately helps with LinkedIn lead generation.

Leads On LinkedIn

Many of your actions daily on LinkedIn can help you find leads.

You might only need to think a little more strategically to get the most out of your time on the platform.

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Connect With Your Target Audience

Your lead generation strategy on LinkedIn would typically encompass reaching out to potential customers and clients to drive revenue.

Most businesses will look for decision-makers who hold purchasing power. Before embarking on any marketing activity, ensure that you thoroughly understand your audience.

The second step of the LinkedIn lead generation strategy is to connect with the targeted prospects you have identified. When you send your connection request to them, personalize it.

Write your connection request with only one goal: to get your prospect to accept your connection request. That’s it. We cannot stress enough how important that is.

Once your new connection accepts your connection request, you want to begin engaging with them. Your only goal here is to begin a dialogue to establish some rapport.

One of the best ways to do this is by asking a question. When asking a question, be sure to keep it short and non-invasive.

Qualified Leads

Use professional demographic data to reach your target audience by filtering through job title, company, industry, seniority, etc.

Retarget website visitors, reach contacts, and build account-based ad campaigns with matched audiences, and custom targeting options.

If you want to be successful at generating 200+ leads every day on LinkedIn, you must keep your target audience in mind.

While every step we’ve outlined here is necessary to achieve LinkedIn marketing success, this one is perhaps the most crucial.

Your target audience‘s bottom line is numero uno (a.k.a. themselves), so if you have no voice of singularity and aren’t sharing useful content, expect to hear crickets chirping.

People on LinkedIn are interested in building legitimate, professional relationships.


InMail is a customized way for you to connect with people who aren’t already in your “network.” It keeps you from having to contend with restrictive character counts.

With InMail, your personalized message is sent directly to a target individual’s LinkedIn inbox and will be seen right along with other conversations that show up there.

Post Relevant Content For LinkedIn Lead Generation

Posting relevant content that your target audience finds interesting or intriguing is integral to building a strong LinkedIn presence.

This is your opportunity to present yourself as a knowledgeable source of information. As your network grows, so does your credibility.

Any online content needs to be well written and ideally actionable. Any lead generation efforts must be consistent, and LinkedIn is no exception.

Keep your posts practical and inviting. Write articles, create slide-share presentations, and develop white papers or e-books so that you’re giving people a reason to engage with you.

Posting an article once every month and not opening your messages is not enough.

On the other hand, sharing regular, relevant updates will help establish authority and maintain credibility.

To ensure that you’re creating content that people want to see, follow your page analytics to figure out what resonates with them the most and create accordingly.

Using platform analytics allows you to see what your audience is interested in and deliver the most exciting content.

Publishing Articles

Articles are the best way to demonstrate to ideal clients that you’re an expert in your industry.

Therefore, you should strive to publish content on industry trends and thought leadership to generate leads. Make sure you lend your unique perspective to every piece of content.

You can use them to anticipate and answer prospects’ questions, which can instill confidence that you’re the right choice for solving their problem.

Craft Interesting Headlines

Keep your headlines catchy, engaging, and intriguing if you want to stand out in a sea of mediocrity. Don’t forget basic SEO.

Be sure to add relevant keywords to your headlines and include them in your content.

Don’t go overboard with keyword stuffing because you’ll compromise readability and credibility.

LinkedIn Pulse

LinkedIn Pulse is publishing software that allows LinkedIn users to create content. LinkedIn Pulse is a great tool because it enables you to do three important things:

  • Share knowledge

  • Spread awareness

  • Build authority

Interact With Other Content

Interact with the content posted by your existing connections by commenting on posts. This is the first step toward striking up a conversation with a potential new contact.

Another way of growing your network is by asking existing connections to introduce you. This strategy works best if you are consistently working away at it.

Create LinkedIn Advertising

Lead generation ads are one effective way to create leads on LinkedIn.

The simplest way is to create sponsored posts using your most engaging and valuable content.

Use sponsored content to promote company updates in the LinkedIn feed across desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Use message ads to deliver personalized messages that drive more conversions than email. Use pay-per-click text ads to market with a simple headline, description, and small image.

Standard Sponsored Content vs. Direct Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is an update published on a company page. On the other hand, direct sponsored content does not appear on your company’s profile page.

It’s a much more customized and targeted form of sponsored content that enables you to personalize and test the messages you’re sending out to your target audience.

Lead gen forms can be added to your sponsored content or sponsored InMail to help collect leads from within the platform without asking visitors to go off-site.

Message Ads

Enabling you to reach prospects through their LinkedIn inboxes, message ads combine the strength of email marketing and instant messaging in a format professionals trust. 

Message ads are easy to personalize and are very CTA-friendly – use them to generate leads through promotions, event invitations, or downloadable content.

News Feed Products

These ads appear alongside content in the news feed for a seamless experience.

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Lead Gen Forms

Lead gen forms remove the main barrier to online conversion: forms that have to be filled out manually by prospects.

When LinkedIn members click on your ad, their profile data automatically populates a form they can submit with one click.

Join LinkedIn Groups To Generate Leads

An effective way of widening your audience and escalating the LinkedIn lead generation process is to join all relevant groups on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Groups are where people from the same industry can discuss interests, share insights, and ask questions.

Don’t restrict yourself to the groups that solely pertain to your industry/niche.

Instead, expand your horizon and join groups that might be remotely related to your niche and can help you grow your business.

Client Referrals

If you already have a solid relationship with your client, asking for a referral might be as simple as firing a quick email.

If you’re not as familiar with them, you can grease the wheels by leaving a recommendation for them on their LinkedIn Page, or endorsing them for skills and expertise.

This will keep you top-of-mind, and they’ll also be more likely to return the favor.

Customer Feedback

To persuade prospects to become customers, social evidence is essential. And getting a testimonial from a previous customer is among the best ways to gain customer trust.

In your lead generation tactics soliciting testimonials and evaluations from your consumers pay off (literally).

You can include this in your marketing materials, such as your website, emails, videos, social media postings, and infographics.

Measure The ROI of Your Campaigns

Real-time reporting in Campaign Manager makes it easy to show the value of your lead gen marketing on LinkedIn.

Use conversion tracking to measure website conversions from your LinkedIn ads and use built-in analytics to optimize your campaigns.

What Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is LinkedIn’s solution for prospecting and finding leads. It enhances the platform’s existing features to give you a more premium experience.

Hop-On The Kennected Train

Looking for more qualified leads?

According to HubSpot, 61% of companies name their top marketing challenge is generating traffic and leads.

If you’re part of that 61%, keep reading because what you’re about to discover could be a game-changer for you and your business (like it has for thousands of people before you).

So many business owners & sales professionals that come to us are struggling to get ahead because they’re stuck relying on referrals, lead lists, or manual prospecting.

This is taking up too much of their time and isn’t creating the consistent income they’re looking for to fund the lifestyle they want for themselves and their families.

Four years ago, the founders of Kennected had the same struggles. They found that lead generation was way too complicated, expensive, and time-consuming, knowing there had to be a better way.

So they developed a new way of getting qualified leads that turn into new customers on the #1 platform for B2B lead generation… LinkedIn.

In the four years since we developed this lead gen strategy, we’ve earned a spot on the Inc. 5,000 list of Fastest Growing Companies in America.

And more importantly, it helped over 17,000 businesses get new leads and sales for THEIR businesses.

Want to see how it works?

Click here to see how you can use Kennected to fill your sales pipeline with qualified leads in less than 10 minutes per day.

The post Is LinkedIn Good For Lead Generation? appeared first on LinkedIn Automation, Messaging & Outreach Tool - Kennected.

source https://kennected.org/linkedin-good-lead-generation/

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