Friday, July 8, 2022

What Is Facebook Lead Generation?

Table of Contents

Facebook Lead generation is the process of attracting customers using the Facebook platform. A popular method to use is Facebook advertising.

Attracting new leads using Facebook — leads that might eventually turn into paying customers — is one of the most intriguing reasons to use Facebook marketing.

However, many marketers still fail to use Facebook to source leads. You’d be losing out on reaching thousands or millions of potential customers if you’re one such marketer.

Even if you’re currently generating leads on Facebook, we all could probably use a little boost in our lead generation efforts. And that’s why we created this guide.

Why Use Facebook For Lead Generation?

Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users.

Many of your current and potential customers are using the platform, making it an effective place to reach them with your advertisements.

Facebook, the biggest social media platform, is the right place to build your brand awareness, as it makes the whole process of creating your audience and converting it into leads as easy as possible.

Should I Create Facebook Lead Ads?

Pretend you’re a Facebook user for a moment. Imagine scrolling through your newsfeed, looking through posts from friends, photos, and status updates.

Then you come across this sponsored post: You’re moved by this offer and decide that you want to sign up.

You click the CTA, and instead of directing you to a completely different page, you’re still on Facebook.

If your objectives include market research, customer feedback, or increasing conversions, Facebook lead ads may be the right solution.

This guide will answer all of your questions about the ad format, including creating a campaign and optimizing for success.

Facebook created lead ads specifically to simplify the mobile sign-up process by creating instant forms that make it easy for mobile users to fill out their contact details. Why?

Because the forms will auto-populate instead of mobile users having to pinch-and-zoom and type into tiny form fields.

Facebook lead ads are specifically designed to collect leads at a lower price, allowing to collect information from prospects both from mobile and desktop ads.

Before this tool came along, the conversion of leads consisted of different steps, which redirected the user from the social media environment to an external landing page.

The user had to interact with an additional call to action, to provide their personal details.

This often resulted in an unsuccessful conversion, because users were unwilling to exchange the safe social media platform for the untrusted external environment.

Over 98% of Facebook users access the platform through mobile devices monthly.

Although most FB users get access to the social network through a mobile device, the conversion rate of the ads is much higher on desktops, with only 34% of user conversion from mobile devices.

Facebook lead ads help reach targeted prospects. With Facebook Lead Ads, you don’t have to speculate.

It is designed to make it easy to reach your targeted audience within your niche.

Ads remove conversion friction. The ads are designed with a pre-built form to be filled right on the Facebook platform.

This eliminates the need to redirect users to your landing page, helping you to increase your conversions.

It also helps to reduce the money you would have spent on creating landing pages for your ads.

Facebook’s lead generation capability is a big part of why so many businesses rely on the social platform for their advertising.

And they’re right. Facebook ads have the potential to boost new customer acquisition.

But Facebook ads can sometimes feel like a gamble, especially in the early days when you’re just starting.

You might choose the wrong campaign objective, placement, budget, or even fall victim to more subtle mistakes that result in poor ad performance and wasted money.

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How Much Does A Facebook Lead Generation Campaign Cost?

Keep in mind that there is no final answer to this question.

There are plenty of factors that can affect how much a Facebook lead generation campaign can cost: your audience, relevance scores, and bidding strategies, for example.

Set A Goal For Your Lead Ad Campaign

Think about your campaign objective.

Do you only want to grow your email list to communicate with leads more directly, or do you want to offer access to a specific product or service?

Use Dynamic Ads

Craft the creative and messaging of your lead ads based on what people have previously expressed interest in.

By retargeting those customers and sending them directly to a lead form, you have the opportunity to collect higher-quality leads.

Use Photos And/Or Videos

If you want to showcase multiple products or features, perhaps a carousel format is the best choice.

On the other hand, short videos are suitable for storytelling and increasing brand awareness. Don’t assume that because you’re offering an incentive, creativity doesn’t matter.

Include high-quality images and videos, sharp copy, and a CTA button for best results.

Ad Set

Think of the ad set as the basket holding all of your ads for a specific persona. Your ad set name should reflect that, e.g., Shoemaker Sally – 25-34 – College Grad.

Add as many descriptors as you need. You can add demographic details about your target audience and select the options that correspond to your persona.

Data Collection

The next step is nurturing your new leads so that they eventually buy something. But to learn more about your new leads and nurture them, you need data.

Lead ads are also beneficial for the advertiser because they capture potential customers‘ information without creating a new landing page or conversion path.

Everything you need to obtain a new lead is in the platform, and that data can easily integrate with your CRM.

Instant Forms

Some of the features available on instant forms are innovative, which help you connect with leads in unique ways.

However, you’ll notice that not all of these features are available across all devices.

For example, appointment booking is a handy feature, but it’s only available on mobile devices and not on desktops.

With an instant form, you can collect anything from emails to phone numbers to customer opinions.

But if you don’t think ahead about how you want to use the data you collect, you’ll have a hard time turning that data into something useful.

Not considering the devices your audience uses reduces the effectiveness of your lead ads, if people can’t engage properly or don’t see your ad because they’re not on mobile.

The best leads are qualified leads. These are the people most likely to buy something. To find these people, use your instant form to ask qualifying questions.

Segment leads based on how they respond and focus on nurturing your qualified leads first. One way to do this is to connect with a lead through a survey with a contact information form.

Creating An Image

For the image creation, you can either upload a custom image, a static piece of creative that follows your ad for eternity, or use dynamic creative, which is variable to the ad you’re running.

We recommend using Dynamic Image so you can split test and switch out ad creative without having to create new forms in the future.

Privacy Policy

Facebook lead ads require a link to your company’s privacy policy. Make sure you have a page on your business website.

The easiest way is to create a privacy policy on your website, paste that link here, and make the link text “Privacy Policy.”

Depending on where your business is located and where you’re generating leads, you may need to add a disclaimer (for instance, a GDPR disclaimer) if it’s not included in your terms of service or website privacy policy.

You can do that by clicking the add custom disclaimer checkbox.


You may want to edit your Facebook instant form while creating the lead ad or when you have published the ad campaign. The truth is, you cannot edit after the lead ad has been published.

However, there’s a quick workaround: You can duplicate the form, make your edits, and save it as a new form to use with the same ad campaign.

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Name Your Ad Campaign

We recommend being as detailed as possible here and including the campaign objective in the name so you can compare your results to the original goal.

Set Your Ad Design

This is where you choose what format your ad will use (carousel, single image, single video, and slideshow), select your images, and enter your ad copy.

Thank You Screen

This screen will appear after the form is submitted. You can also include a call-to-action or download link here.

Placing The Ads

There are two options in this section: automatic placement and edit placement. With automatic placements, Facebook helps you optimize your ad to reach more people.

The edit placement allows you to show your ads on specific Facebook locations and includes any Facebook products such as Instagram.

Saving Money

Using Facebook lead ads can save money on your advertising budget.

Based on research, Facebook lead ads reduce the costs per lead dramatically.


Lead ads are more than just a form – they can help you drive objectives from the top of the funnel – such as brand awareness and reach – to customer acquisition.

Optimize your lead ads for quick follow-ups or higher-quality leads with custom features.

Facebook lead ads make the lead generation process easy.

People can simply tap your ad, and a form pops up – it’s already pre-populated with their Facebook contact information and ready to be sent directly to you.

With just a few taps, they can get the information they want, and you generate a qualified lead for your business.

Right Hand Column Ads

This is the most traditional ad placement to turn a user into a Facebook lead. The ad usually appears on the right side of a user’s news feed.

We often see less expensive clicks and conversions when using these ads and more advanced testing options.

Direct Leads

A direct Facebook lead is generated by sharing content that links directly back to a lead form on your website.

Visitors then share information in exchange for an offer — whether an e-book, coupon, infographic, or any other piece of content.

This form is typically on a landing page dedicated to that specific offer.

Lead Ads

Creating Facebook lead ads allows users to stay on the platform while completing and submitting their lead form.

This means you can create a form that collects a lead’s name, email address, or phone number (among other things) that they can complete exactly where they come across your ad — whether in the Facebook news feed, articles, messenger, stories, and more.

If you want to see Facebook lead ad examples, follow Kennected on Facebook.

Facebook Conversions API

Facebook Conversions API works when a visitor lands on a Facebook pixel website. The Pixel records the customer’s data in cookies, known as the first party.

The server saves the information the same way it saves the IP addresses, user agents, Google Analytics client_id, and other parameters.

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Revel Systems

To generate more customer leads for its point-of-sale system, Revel Systems tested lead ads against link ads that directed people to a campaign landing page.

Early results showed that the in-app lead ad format led to 619x the amount of leads and a 74% lower cost per lead.

The company also tested different images, finding that images focused on the product performed better.

Download Or Export Leads

Once you start generating leads from your ad, go to the forms library for your page to download those leads.

Facebook lets you download your leads up to 90 days from when the user submitted them. Click the download button next to your form.

You can integrate Facebook lead ads directly with your HubSpot account if you’re a HubSpot customer.

If you’re not a HubSpot customer, you can export a CSV straight from your Facebook page, download them from Ads Manager or Power Editor, or request it directly through the API.

Include A Contest Or Giveaway

People love contests and giveaways.

They are fun, but they can also teach you a lot about your audience — all the while engaging them, growing your reach, driving traffic to your website, and (drum roll, please) generating leads.

Since your giveaway aims to generate leads, you’ll need to publish posts that include an attractive featured image or video, compelling and straightforward copy, and a link to your giveaway page where they can fill out their details into your lead forms.

Facebook Messenger

Don’t have the time to manage a live chat channel 24/7? No problem. You can install a bot on your page to respond to customer inquiries.

Whether it’s a bot or a person, your team can use Facebook Messenger to direct interested visitors to your website and landing pages so they can convert from prospects to leads.

Include Links To Landing Pages In Your Image Captions

Most marketers understand the importance of using visuals like images and videos in their Facebook strategy.

For example, Facebook posts with images see a higher engagement rate when compared to those without images.

Check Out The Competition

Your competition might have creative ways to target your audience.

If you notice your competitor using carousel ads to engage prospects, then it might be a tactic worth considering for your ads.

Your goal is not to imitate but to be aware of other ways your prospects are being targeted.

Sync Leads With Your CRM

An advantage Facebook lead generation ads offer is that newly generated leads can be synced directly with your CRM, so your sales team can take immediate action.

This helps take the burden off the team, helping them identify and respond to new queries faster.

Use Hootsuite

Manage your Facebook presence alongside your other social media channels using Hootsuite.

From a single dashboard, you can schedule posts, share videos, engage your audience, and measure the impact of your efforts.

Free Trials

If you have a free trial version of your product, asking people how their experience has been with your product during that trial can help you direct leads to helpful products or features as they look to transition to the full version of your product.
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Create A Facebook Event For Your Webinar

While sharing landing pages with dedicated content offerings is effective, webinars are another great format for capturing leads.

You can promote your webinar’s sign-up form by posting them to your business timeline.

Audience Segmentation

Your target audience should align with your lead ad’s objectives.

People Near You

If you have one or more locations and a Facebook representative manages your account, you can use the business locator feature and target ads to people in the range of your stores.

This audience segment is ideal if you aim to schedule appointments, demos, or simply encourage customers to visit.

Custom Audiences

The custom audience includes users you already have details about, such as their name, email address, phone number, etc.

Examples of custom audiences can include people subscribed to your newsletter, recent site, app visitors, or people in your CRM.

With the built-in Facebook lead form feature, you can add custom questions and fields to your form and use it in a lead generation ad campaign.

To refine your ad targeting and optimize your results, exclude custom audiences of people who previously interacted with your lead form.

Lookalike Audiences

If your goal is to expand your customer base, create a lookalike audience modeled on your most valuable customers to find similar users.

You can also use lookalike audiences that match the types of people already visiting your Facebook page.

Based on the audience you’re targeting, specify the demographics, interests, and behaviors common among your audience. This ensures that the “right” people see your ad.

What Is A Pinned Post?

You can identify a pinned post by an unmistakable “pinned post” marker at the top of the Facebook page.

Any post you decide to pin should be valuable to your audience and relevant to your online objectives.

You can pin any type of post, from text to images to videos, even live videos.

If you pin a Facebook Live video, that video will simply show up at the top of your profile with the whole recording, indicating that the Page “was live” at a certain point.

What It Comes Down To

Facebook lead ads aren’t as mysterious as you may have thought.

Facebook lets you generate leads inside the platform without any third-party software needed.

With the built-in Facebook lead form feature, you can add custom questions and fields to your form and use it in a lead generation ad campaign.

With a clear buyer persona, a specific targeting strategy, and a reputable CRM, you should be able to obtain all the leads you need to reach your potential customers and grow your business.

Gain High Quality Leads With Kennected

Kennected is one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies bent on growing lead generation — your lead generation.

Facebook advertising works wonders for attracting more leads if you want to grow on social media.

Do you use LinkedIn? It’s the most popular social media platform amongst professionals globally.

We can guarantee you will get more leads through LinkedIn lead generation. How? Automation solutions.

Cloud Kennect allows users to customize their outreach messages from the initial outreach message to several follow-ups.

Rather than depending on an ad pop-up or some form type, you can narrow your target audience and start building lasting relationships.

If that wasn’t convincing enough, Cloud Kennect significantly reduces your ad spend.

Check out Kennected today, and see what we’re all about!

The post What Is Facebook Lead Generation? appeared first on LinkedIn Automation, Messaging & Outreach Tool - Kennected.


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