Monday, April 24, 2023

How Do I Get The Two Comma Club Award With ClickFunnels?

Building a successful business takes skill, patience, perseverance, and a lot of hard work. But the most important ingredient in this recipe is your network. When you look at some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the game, you’ll see that they all have impressive networks made up of like-minded business people.

Not only do you have to build yourself up and develop your own skills as an entrepreneur, you also have to surround yourself with people who are just as hardworking and dedicated as you. That’s how you grow your business—and that’s how you attract success.

This is the idea behind ClickFunnels’ Two Comma Club, which was started by Russell Brunson, founder of ClickFunnels. It’s to develop a network of successful entrepreneurs that use ClickFunnels. And becoming a member of this exclusive club can also attract more success for your own business.

Becoming a member of the Two Comma Club can serve as social proof, which you can use to attract more customers, more prospects, and more clients. You can take your business to even greater heights. Being recognized as one of the top entrepreneurs in the industry comes with its perks. The Two Comma Club was created in order to recognize all the successful business owners who have reached incredible heights in their respective industries.

Today we’re going to talk about what it takes to join this exclusive ClickFunnels club.

What is the Two Comma Club Award?

Any business owner who has reached the 7-figure mark by growing their business using ClickFunnels can apply for the Two Comma Club—it’s that simple! The name comes from the fact that your business needs to earn seven figures with a sales funnel created with ClickFunnels.

Russell Brunson started this award in 2017 when he noticed that a lot of business owners from different niches were hitting the million-dollar mark with the help of their ClickFunnels sales funnels. Although the club seems highly exclusive, it’s getting more and more members over time.

The Two Comma Club award acknowledges the entrepreneurs who have built their own empires using ClickFunnels. It rewards those who worked hard to reach their business goals and those who are ready to take it even further. It is the ultimate social proof and recognition that your brand needs to elevate itself and stand out from the rest of the competition.

This award serves another purpose—and that is to inspire business owners who are aiming for the seven figure mark but aren’t quite there yet. It proves that building a million-dollar business is possible. It shows that people can build incredible businesses, and that you can achieve it too.

According to ClickFunnels, this proof can turn into action, and that action can turn into results. They call it a “ripple effect of success”. This ripple effect is one of the reasons why more than 900 entrepreneurs have received the Two Comma Club award from ClickFunnels.

How to Earn the Coveted Two Comma Club Award from ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels has helped over 900 entrepreneurs reach the seven figure mark using their sales funnels. But ClickFunnels has thousands of members, so it’s always looking for ways to help more people become members of the Two Comma Club.

How do you earn that coveted award? It’s simple. Once you reach that seven figure milestone with the help of ClickFunnels, you can apply for the Two Comma Club. So if you’ve made over 1 million dollars through a single sales funnel built on ClickFunnels, you can apply to join by clicking on this link:

Qualifications to Earn the Two Comma Club Award

In the application page, you’ll see there that there’s an application fee of $250. Other requirements include a screenshot that proves you made over $1,000,000 using ClickFunnels, and a screen share video proving that you earned that money because of your sales funnel. You also need to make sure that your business has processed at least 40 transactions. Those are the requirements for the ClickFunnels Two Comma Club. You will receive your award in the mail once your application is accepted.

Once you’ve reached this amazing milestone, there are other goals to work towards. For example, there’s a Two Comma Club X Award for those who have reached the eight figure mark—that’s $10 million dollars. Around 50 funnel hackers have reached this milestone with their sales funnels so far. Here are some of the recipients of the Two Comma Club X Award and their respective niches:

Brandon and Kaelin Poulin: LadyBoss supplements

Jim Edwards: Funnel Scripts software

Myron Golden: Personal Development, Events, and coaching

Blake Nubar: Funnel coaching and consultation

Dan Henry: Digital courses and masterminds

Don’t worry if you don’t qualify for the Two Comma Club just yet. Use it as inspiration to drive you forward as you build the business of your dreams. Make the Two Comma Club a goal—you might just surprise yourself at how quickly you achieve it. Start the free 14-day ClickFunnels trial today and see how it works for you!

The post How Do I Get The Two Comma Club Award With ClickFunnels? appeared first on Kennected.


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