Monday, April 24, 2023

Is Video Better Than Text?

Text-based content used to rule the online landscape. And no, it’s not going anywhere any time soon—but it has definitely lost its spot on top. That’s because of the rise of video.

Over the past few years, video has risen into popularity, becoming the most dominant content type online. The biggest social networks place a lot of emphasis on video sharing. Businesses now have to conceptualize and produce their own video content just to keep up with the competition. Video marketing has revolutionized the way brands and businesses engage with their target audience. Today we’re going to talk about why it is so impactful.

If you’re not using videos to promote your brand, products, and services, then you’re missing out on a fantastic source of leads and revenue. Although video marketing isn’t easy, it is definitely worth the effort. So let’s take a closer look at why video has become such an important tool in a marketer’s arsenal.

Is Video More Effective At Helping You Sell More Than Written Words?

Done well, videos can help you convert more customers than ever. And that’s partly due to the fact that videos are better than text when it comes to communicating your exact thoughts.

With text, you can choose the right words to deliver your message, but it’s still missing a key component: the non-verbal aspects of communication. It’s hard to express emotions through text. Even if you do manage to convey your thoughts and feelings through words, the reader will still have to put in a bit of imagination to visualize your ideas.

Videos on the other hand let you display subtle nuances like facial expressions and shifts in tone. You can convey more with less effort. Video marketing lets you use body language to express more within a short period of time.

Not to mention the fact that your viewer can see your face through your video—and that brings an entirely new dimension to your content. It brings the human aspect of communication, which is missing from text-based articles. Letting your viewers see the faces behind the brand can help you establish trust and build a solid relationship with them.

Text relies too much on precise word choice and punctuation. While it still has its place in every marketing campaign, text cannot bring you the same impact that videos can. The visual nature of video allows viewers to know exactly what the speaker is trying to say through verbal tone and body language.

Videos are Eye-Catching

Because humans are visual creatures, we are naturally inclined to look at videos whenever we see one on our feeds. The eyes are always drawn towards movement. This is one of the qualities that give videos the edge over text-based content.

Videos are naturally eye-catching. They grab people’s attention, no matter what type of video you post. The same cannot be said about written text. In fact, walls of text can make users click away from a post or a website.

There are exceptions to the rule, of course. A well-written article can still catch people’s attention, and a low quality video can still drive people away. So despite the fact that videos are eye-catching, marketers should still post creative content to continuously pique their audience’s interest. One pro-tip for those who still want to use text in their marketing campaigns: you can use videos to break down long-form articles into several segments to keep your readers’ attention for longer.

There’s another reason why videos are so eye-catching. Aside from being able to see the subject’s face and body language, viewers can also see graphics and other visual aids that are included in the video. This helps them pick up more information, faster.

Videos are More Engaging

A video with an interesting topic and a high production value can keep someone’s attention for a very long time. So not only will video content capture people’s attention, it will also keep their attention—granted there’s enough reason to pay attention to the video. Videos can also have a strong emotional impact on its viewers. It can compel then to share or leave a comment. It’s no surprise that videos get a lot more shares than text and images combined.

Videos Have Text, Images, and Audio

A single video basically combines many different types of content into one. It’s a series of images with dialogue and music, and text to help drive some key points home. The creative possibilities are endless. You can use these different content types to make the most amazing and interesting video of all time. Video combines visual and auditory content, which effectively stimulates the senses while providing valuable knowledge and information. No other medium has this ability.

Videos Can Contain More Information

Speaking of information, the contents of a video are much easier to digest than the contents of a written article. You can learn so much within the first few seconds of a video, but the same can’t always be said about the first few lines of a long-form article. Reading takes longer than watching, after all. Videos are an interesting way to present complex ideas. If a picture could paint a thousand words, just imagine how much a video can communicate.

Videos Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Even from a marketing standpoint, videos just drive more traffic to your website compared to text. Because people pay more attention to videos, they are also more likely to listen to different calls to action.

If a person watches and enjoys a video you created, they will gladly follow the link you’ve provided just so they can see more. Companies that use videos on their websites enjoy 41 percent more web traffic than companies that don’t use video at all. Videos can drive organic traffic up by 157 percent.

Videos Increase Your Conversions

And on that note, videos can increase your conversions simply because of how effective they are at attracting the right audience. If you optimize your videos with the right keywords and tags, it will reach the people who are most likely to convert. They will then watch your video, absorb the information they need, and then follow through with your call to action.

We all know that the success of any marketing campaign is based on conversions. In other words, you want people who’ve expressed interest in your product to actually buy the product. Videos can push customers closer and closer to purchase. That’s why some marketers even put videos in their landing pages. The videos guide the customer throughout their journey.

 A well-made video ad can increase purchase intent by up to 97 percent! So if you’re thinking about using video marketing techniques to boost your revenue, now is the time to do it. Videos are only getting more popular every day—and it’s not going anywhere. It’s time to capitalize on this amazing source of leads and revenue.

The post Is Video Better Than Text? appeared first on Kennected.


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